leave aroma

Bianka 2022-04-12 09:01:11

The Barber of Siberia somewhat echoes Figaro's wedding, but the opera is a comedy ending, and the movie is sullen. It is said that what kind of ceremony was held in the Kremlin that year was very important. I tried to re-enhance and restore the traditional Russian national style and humanistic atmosphere in the industrial civilization. There are such scenes of traditional national festivals, but I don't think it's too deep, but the Siberian landscape is really eye-catching.

The film is nearly 3 hours long. In fact, I think it only took the last half hour to burst out the love material accumulated in the troubled and exotic romance that had been fermented for so long. I have been talking about a young officer Tolstoy who met a widow, fell in love with her inexplicably, and was jealous of all the men who were in close contact with her. marriage proposal. At this critical point, this widow also seemed to be infected by this irresistible impulse, and she took the initiative to throw her arms in her arms, probably as a courtesan, accustomed to the so-called emotional transactions between celebrities, and being swayed by Tolstoy. This pure and warm emotional impact melted, and after ONS, the two of them were considered privately for life. And then, at this very crucial point, in the interval and on the stage of the performance of the Duke of Figaro's wedding, the young officer saw again the whispers of Jane and the headmaster, and the clichés of the courtesans. So he got angry, rushed down and beat the headmaster, and was reported by the newspapers as wanting to assassinate the Duke. Tolstoy seemed to despair of life. He confessed all the crimes he had been robbed in prison and was exiled to Siberia. It is the misunderstanding that makes everything slowly missed.

In order to be able to go to Siberia to meet Tolstoy and explain it in person and continue the relationship, Jane did not hesitate to marry her nominal father, the mechanical inventor who dreamed of the Siberian barber's logging machine. , Jane came to Russia just to give him some activities and to attract venture capital. Later, the machine was finally successfully developed, and Jane was finally allowed to cross Russia and came to Siberia, which she had been thinking about for 10 years. However, time has changed, and the young officer has formed a family with his former servant, Tonia. Jane didn't see anyone in their home. She saw some photos of the years and Tolstoy's tools as a barber, and she cried silently. , She finally felt that her 10 years of forbearance and waiting had been shattered in an instant, and time could prove that life was a nihility. And Tonya behind the door hugged her and Tolstoy's children tightly, holding the iron hook, ready to defend her hard-won happiness with all her might. With a broken fantasy, Jane may no longer be able to find Tolstoy. She left alone in a carriage, galloping through the jungles and fields of Siberia like a corpse. In the distance, Tolstoy noticed Jane and ran down the mountain, but he could only watch her disappear into the wilderness from a distance. The bearded hunter, the young officer who never smoked at that time, lit a cigarette sadly, and said silently, "Let's go." Although the lead singer of the opera he performed was Figaro the barber, he had no chance to protect his lover, and his recklessness prevented him from having the opportunity to defend his love. At this time, Tolstoy could only be in pain to say goodbye to his once pure and passionate love forever, leaving behind endless regrets or the fragrance of love? Only he knew that

on another narrative line, a young soldier fought with his instructor for Mozart, and finally won the instructor's respect for Mozart. This is the son of Tolstoy and Jane, and it seems Jane instilled a lot of Mozart in him because of Tolstoy. It's just this matter, that dad may never know.

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Extended Reading
  • Jaclyn 2022-04-20 09:02:56

    6. Hollywood-style Russian films, Nikita is regressing

  • Ashtyn 2022-04-19 09:03:17

    Today Qixi night, choose this one to review. Among many romance films, this style is unique. In the joys and sorrows, the distance and time are also lengthening the distance from each other. The most moving part was the Figaro wedding chorus of the military alumni when it was sent to Siberia. The most memorable is the ending. He galloped in the golden forest but saw her galloping by on a horse, but he stopped and only slowly pulled out a cigarette. . Hi, I heard that love has come back.

The Barber of Siberia quotes

  • Dzheyn: I'm one of those women your mother must have warned you about.