Can't do anything then leave

Bette 2022-03-30 09:01:12

There is always something special about non-English movies.

Some movies have decided my inclination and my interest in the film from the name, theme, race, and pictures.
I choose to watch it on the plane so that I can concentrate, think, and devote myself to emotions without disturbing

reflection . What about the struggle for slavery and even the

film is a representation of reality or a virtual interpretation?

Reality and film are intertwined. People are fighting all the time , but
who is the winner? Earth is overwhelmed

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Extended Reading
  • Ubaldo 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    How can construction and development be carried out under the premise of protecting the interests of indigenous peoples? Outsiders vying for water from locals is similar to what we have here. The behavior of those energy companies building dams at water sources is just that the aborigines resisted in the movie. Here we are in harmony!

  • Jefferey 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    Anti-colonial. It seems that a miracle has come from the sky, but in fact, bad luck has quietly struck. In fact, what the mayor said was very good, everyone is a bitch, stop arguing about building a torii.

Even the Rain quotes

  • Daniel: And who takes even the rain?

  • Costa: Why do you drink so much, Anton?

    Antón: Because I'm always very, very, thirsty.

    Costa: But can you get through this ? We are screwed without you.

    Antón: It's great to feel needed.