I think it's hard enough to make a good film involving religious issues and special ceremonies.

Anabel 2022-03-25 09:01:22

If you are as deeply attracted by the plot at the beginning as I am,,,,,, then when you see the end, you must be in a better mood than me... Really ⊙﹏⊙b Khan,, , Are you filming while writing the script? Or did the script find that it couldn't justify itself halfway through the script? ? ? ? ? ? What a messy ending this is! ! ! ! This is simply, the wide-angle version of "The Devil in the Elevator"! ! A small version of The Prophet! ! ! In order to prevent you from looking for excitement after watching it, it is not recommended to watch it.

I can't help but say that I really hate that when some suspenseful stories can't go on, all the cause and effect are suddenly attributed to religious issues! In particular, there was no foreshadowing and omen before! ! ! ! !
(ps: Among the films involving religion and witchcraft, a very representative step is "The Master Key". Of course, if there is no such wonderful ending, the first half of "The Key" is really confusing. .)

Compared with the European and American horror films I have seen, I think it is difficult enough to make good films involving religious issues and special ceremonies. After all, it is different from ghosts, gods, or human beings. In order for this type of film to develop the plot smoothly, it must first explain these uncommon things to the audience. In this way, explaining the ins and outs will often appear procrastination before the climax. Unless there really is a perfect climax or ending, it will always give the impression of a backwater.

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Extended Reading
  • Bernhard 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    They say it doesn't look good, so don't watch it

  • Conner 2022-03-26 09:01:13

    It's okay to shoot, but I really don't know what it's going to say, swallowed by its own shadow? Hope, Survival, Original Sin?

Vanishing on 7th Street quotes

  • Luke: I'm here because I will myself to exist.

  • Rosemary: We can wait till morning.

    Luke: You sure there's one coming?