I burst into tears twice

Jada 2022-09-25 06:55:53

The first time I saw Alexander die, I was so sad...
Seeing that even if the emperor lost his troops and horses in the hail of bullets, he still did not change the domineering face on his face and
watched the swords pierce through the emperor's body, whistling in front of him. Running around, I couldn't help crying.
Although I had expected it, I still felt
uncomfortable There are very few
people who hate him even though he is not so perfect, not a servant, not a tool, but a king and people, brother-like heart to heart, no wonder he changed Weber, and also proved his kingship he is The only person that Jin Shining respects "The one who dares to ride with me on the battlefield is my MASTER" "Ah, because, that's just an ideal" "The king ordered you to live" "Take my posture ,It's far, far away"The long road of the great emperor is time to rest The face shape, self-deprecatingly saying "hateful woman" is like saying to yourself "I will fight against me until the end" However, I forgive you for some things, it is because you can't get them that they are more beautiful . Maybe this is the case, It was doomed from the beginning that I was going to lose to you , muttering unhappily, and then he disappeared "Goodbye, King of Knights"

For Winky, was that ten years really like what he said, he just walked by thinking of seeing SABER's "painful appearance"?
Or is it as he said when he first appeared in the main series "Since then, my determination has never changed"?
No matter what you think about it
... Maybe it's just the next day for you Seriously, I
was the only one who waited for ten years for a long time,
you stupid woman.

Jin Twinkle is an idiot, he doesn't know how to love someone at all,
but his love is not fake...

Shuang Wang is really resentful

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