Going back and forth, it's another cycle.

Cassandre 2022-04-12 09:01:11

I feel that every film should have something the director wants to express.
Everyone's understanding is different, what they see is different, their experience is different, and their thoughts are different.
In the movie I saw friendship, love, racism, war, etc.
It feels a little unreasonable, such as why the zf in the movie is so incompetent, the first time he went to the hospital was recorded and estimated, and the male protagonist was caught at the end. Later, the male protagonist was caught, and he went to sleep during the day and then threw away the general morgue and so on.
The heroine was infatuated, and the result was the best result.
After reading the film review, I found that the children at the beginning and the gunmen who killed the male protagonist were all zombies. I carefully checked what Revenant meant, returnee.
The male protagonist came back from the zombie battlefield and finally passed by as a zombie warrior, which is a question to answer.
Many people say that the moon in foreign countries is relatively round, and they say that their own is not good, but if this happens to their own, I feel that it will be dealt with quickly and beautifully. Sometimes, the less people know, the better.

So, it's hard to be confused.

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Extended Reading
  • Cleve 2022-04-17 09:01:13

    There is another good movie in the zombie comedy, not as good as [Zombie Shaun], but more creative than [Zombieland] and let go. The last ten minutes were so sad. Iran was shot.

  • Terrill 2022-04-17 09:01:13

    The zombie film has played a new trick again, but it is actually a hybrid of zombie elements and XX man elements... The ingenious arrangement of the head and tail also makes this film higher than many similar films at the spiritual level. All in all, recommended~

The Revenant quotes

  • Joey: Bart... you gotta kill me. You gotta kill me, man...

    Bart: Kill you?

    Joey: I can't go through eternity talking with a fuckin' dildo on my throat.