Unfinished bear.

Adaline 2022-03-27 09:01:09

There is a cute and cute cartoon image of Paddin looking for the bear on the movie screen. As a children's film, the plot is OK, and the bear is cute enough. Unfortunately, the duration is a bit short. To the feeling that the male owner of the house was still against the bear staying in their house one second ago, but immediately changed his attitude towards the bear the next second, and the bear started to go crazy. I have to say that I like the nonsense and many behaviors of British comedy films, which seem so funny, but the characters in the film are so natural, I suddenly feel that I don’t want Doraemon’s treasure bag, it seems I want a hat that can be turned into anything to eat. . . .

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Extended Reading
  • Maximo 2022-04-24 07:01:08

    Compared with younger children's films, as an adult, I definitely like to watch the villain Nicole more

  • Evie 2022-03-31 09:01:03

    Although it is relatively low-fashioned, it is better than the high degree of completion, the cuteness is just right but not too much, there are surprises from time to time, and there are some surprises from time to time, and a few extra points for Wes Anderson's possession!

Paddington quotes

  • Paddington: [Henry Brown is brushing his teeth with the toothbrush Paddington got his earwax on the day before] Um, you're not using those ear brushes to clean your mouth are you, Mr Brown?

  • Mr. Curry: Ms. Clyde.

    Millicent: Mr. Curry, what do you want?

    Mr. Curry: [Hold up a bouquet of wilted flowers] I found these tied to a lamp post, and I figured waste not, want not.

    [gives them to Millicent]

    Millicent: Charming, now if you excuse me.

    Mr. Curry: [noticing Millicent's taxidermist van] Um... Where exactly are you going?

    Millicent: what concern of it is yours?

    Mr. Curry: You got there bear, in there.

    [pointing at the van]

    Millicent: and...

    Mr. Curry: It just... I thought you were sending him to Peru. But...

    Millicent: I said, I was sending him where he belongs and in his case, is the natural history museum.

    Mr. Curry: But Honey pot, that is barbaric.

    Millicent: Mr. Curry I am not your honey pot, I never was.

    Mr. Curry: what?

    Millicent: [Shoves Mr.Currys flowers back to him] Now take your rotten flowers and get out of here. Go.

    [Mr. Curry timidly backs away slowly]

    Millicent: ARF!

    [Curry runs away]