Sonata of the Heart

Robb 2022-04-15 09:01:07

This show is not really a happy show.

The protagonists are a couple caught in a midlife crisis amid the financial crisis. The husband is facing unemployment, but still wants to retain the authority of husband and father in front of his wife and children, hides the facts, and pretends to be normal; the wife is tortured by the calm life and has no interest, but still wants to remain in front of her husband and children. Being a mother is virtuous, hiding the facts and pretending to be normal; the two children have their own ambitions and preferences, but they cannot get the support of their parents, so they can only hide the facts and pretend to be normal. Such a seemingly normal, but very abnormal family finally broke out when the thief broke into the house. The acting skills of the couple in the play are praised, and the performances are meticulous and wonderful.

The reality is so cruel, and fate will always make fun of people, and the profound social reality shown in this play is terrifying. Of course, the ending of the movie still gave a relatively bright ending. The genius of the second son conquered the judges and the audience, and the future is bright. But this is the golden finger that the screenwriter forced to activate. A child can reach such a state in a short period of time, which is unrealistic for the vast majority of people in this world. Therefore, the bright and warm ending is nothing but an idealized beauty bubble.

The other couple on the show who were in the same predicament as the protagonist were not so lucky. They struggled to maintain their right to live and their dignity, but in the end they could only choose to commit suicide in order to escape. However, the young daughter was left with the loss of her parents and suffered the ups and downs of the world alone. And her daughter's future will naturally not be as sunny as the talented piano boy who is favored by fate. But this suicidal couple represents more ordinary people who may still be alive and silently endure all kinds of ordinary people in the world. There is no golden finger, no genius, and no redemption.

The financial crisis was not the first, nor will it be the last. The stories in the Tokyo Sonata are also being played out in every corner of the world. Past, present and future are inside and outside each other, and there is nothing new under the sun. As the new crisis comes, I hope you and I can get through it safely.

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Extended Reading
  • Chesley 2022-04-11 08:01:01

    The family theme is an outlier in Kurosawa Kiyoshi's works. What remains unchanged is that the car ride is still a symbol of the ruins of modern people. This seems to have become a convention in Kurosawa Kiyoshi's films before the daily turns to the opposite. The difference is that the ruins are followed by thoroughness. Fall or rebuild. This film chooses the latter, which is rare in Kurosawa's films, and returns to the dining table after everything is destroyed as a starting point for a new start. After all, since the Ozu era, Japanese family movies have often built family relationships with oriental cultural flavors through actions at the dinner table, as Yamada Yoji did, and Ishii Satoshi.

  • Eliseo 2022-04-16 09:01:09

    There are too many things I want to express. After picking up the money, I stepped from realism to magic.

Tokyo Sonata quotes

  • Megumi Sasaki: Screw your authority.

  • Megumi Sasaki: How wonderful it would be if my whole life so far turns out to have been a dream, and suddenly I wake up and I'm someone else entirely.