It's hard to convince yourself that you are not a great man

Tod 2021-10-13 13:05:36

There is a plot that I have unforgettable for many years, and I often think of the sadness and fear in my heart at that time. "Buzz Lightyear" has always considered himself a leader of the distant stars, a brave explorer, and a self-sacrificing cosmic warrior. His eyes are deep, sometimes frowning, sometimes tolerant and unrestrained. He has a killer on his arm. With a powerful laser gun and a cosmic communication system, he always reports to the Cosmos Headquarters in front of the communicator among the toys, trying to make himself look stalwart and sacred. He thinks that everything in front of him is just a joke, a spaceship crash. After the adventure, he finally wants to "fly into the universe, the vastness!" to be a hero that thousands of people admire. When facing the evil dog, he was not afraid, and shone the sight of the laser gun on its forehead to warn him. He even felt sorry for the dog's stupidity. When the cowboy Hudi pulled him to escape, he was still laughing at Hudi's cowardice, because he didn't want to hurt his self-esteem, "Buzz Lightyear" had to follow him.
However, on the way through the living room, Buzz Lightyear stopped his body suddenly.
In the TV screen, the mass-produced Buzz Lightyear is rolling and packaging on the assembly line, while a baritone is exaggeratingly selling, "Buzz Lightyear with searchlight! Buzz Lightyear with electric folding wings! Buzz Lightyear with a wrist walkie-talkie!" And his spacecraft that has lost energy is nothing but a packaging box.
It turned out that I was just a toy that could be mass-produced.
He fiddled with laser guns and searchlights sloppily, whispered "Buzz Lightyear call headquarters" to the communicator, yelling nervously, "Fly to the universe, vast!" He made a strange laugh like a clown.
After many years, when I think of Buzz Lightyear's back standing silently facing the bright sky outside the window, his body is still full of desolation.

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Extended Reading
  • Hunter 2021-10-20 18:58:27

    Do you remember the dream when you were young? Like a flower that never fades

  • Aisha 2022-03-23 09:01:03

    Relived the old movie 24 years ago, the evil Axue wearing braces and his transforming toys are simply childhood shadows! After watching the film when I was a child, I warned myself: treat your toys well, or they will be bitten by them! PS: Flying into space, the universe is infinite!

Toy Story quotes

  • Buzz: [Referring to Andy's other toys] Do you know these life forms?

    Woody: Yes, they're Andy's toys.

  • Rex: Mr. Lightyear, now I'm curious... what does a space ranger actually do?

    Woody: He's not a space ran-*ger*! He doesn't fight evil or, or... shoot lasers or fly.

    Buzz: Excuse me.

    Buzz: [Buzz deploys his wings; all exclaim in excitement]

    Hamm: Wow. Impressive wingspan. Very good.

    Woody: Oh, what? What? These are plastic; he can't fly.

    Buzz: They are a terillium-carbonic alloy, and I *can* fly.

    Woody: No, you can't.

    Buzz: [sighs] Yes, I can.

    Woody: Can't.

    Buzz: Can.

    Woody: Can't, can't, ca-an't!

    Buzz: I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!

    Woody: Okay, Mr. Light Beer, prove it.

    Buzz: All right then, I will. Stand back, everyone.