I'm not strong enough but I can change

Angie 2022-03-26 09:01:04

After watching the movie, I like Lily the most. I like her who is out of the mainstream with messy braids, she likes to call Berkeley a berserkely, and she likes her persistent efforts to protect small animals. Someone once said that the hardest perseverance is hopeless waiting, but she can persevere on a radio station that only 12 people listen to to accomplish what she wants to do. In her, there is no legendary life experience of Mia, but she has a self that everyone can see. I see my limit, but I run towards what I dream of without hesitation ❤

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Extended Reading
  • Damian 2022-03-27 09:01:05

    My parents bought DVDs when I was a kid. . . Then I found out that it was Andrews who played Grandma = = I always thought she looked like an old maid when she was young, but I didn't expect her to have such a good temperament in this film.

  • Madelyn 2021-11-16 08:01:28

    Anne Hathaway is really beautiful and the plot is also very interesting

The Princess Diaries quotes

  • Mia: I can't be a princess! I'm still waiting for normal body parts to arrive!

  • [running to catch up Mia and Michael]

    Lilly: [screaming] WAIT FOR ME, WAIT FOR ME!

    [Two others teenagers stop, and look at her]

    Lilly: Wait, wait. No, not you - I don't even know you!