Feel the extreme space

Estevan 2021-11-19 08:01:45

Purely ideological films were not refreshing in the era when Hollywood blockbusters were popular in the United States. The film tells the story of an unemployed male protagonist who accidentally obtained a pair of sunglasses. Wearing it can clearly see the ideology behind the material, only to discover that the real world has been controlled by a group of aliens who want to control humans to conquer the earth through money and government. This film actually alienates the bourgeoisie into an image of aliens. They brainwash the people at the bottom through media advertising, and only a part of the sober people are resisting. In this film, there is a fighting scene caused by the male protagonist wanting his friend to wear sunglasses, which makes the theme of the film more profound. The male protagonist becomes a rebel after being sober, representing the lower class, but not everyone is willing to be sober Most of them are immersed in the illusion created for them by the social environment or that they accept their environment and are unwilling to resist, so there are a lot of scenes of the two fighting. In the end, my friend realized the truth and fought with the male protagonist, but then a role like Holly appeared. She represented the group of people who wanted to pursue their interests and serve the bourgeoisie. They always pretended to be themselves. At the end of the film, the male protagonist sacrificed to destroy the source of information. Before he died, he raised his middle finger to them. I think this is a signal to the audience in reality. In the face of power and despotism, he must learn to resist and not compromise. From the ideological point of view, this film has a profound impact on today's society. We have been living in an era when we are flooded with material and controlled by capital. How can we survive? Although the answer given in this film is a bit fierce, it is also a choice. Camus once said that I am rebelling and therefore I am. This is true when facing the world of nothingness, and even more so when facing the spectacle society where the material flows!

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Extended Reading
  • Ambrose 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    Does the prince and general Xiangning have a kind? Not only kind, but also extraordinary people... The powerful, powerful mouthpieces, media industry, and powerful lackeys state machines are all humanoid and non-human, and use science fiction films to attack capitalist business logic and class order-consumption and obedience are necessary to live; "It talks about ideological infiltration and the awakening of my mind. This is a bit like saying: The proletariat of the world unites! There is a very cool idea, but the script is too rushed, the execution is too rough, and the plot rhythm is poor, which kills the possibility of becoming an anti-capital dystopian masterpiece. It is said that all the sunglasses of "The Matrix" have learned this? The glasses of "The Incredibles 2" are the opposite setting. Wearing this film will recognize the truth of being brainwashed and manipulated, while "Super 2" is put on and anti-controlled, and what you see has the first dominant force in thinking and behavior; The fight between the male protagonist and the hero is really too long. It's enough to convey the meaning of "to convince others that I have worked hard". As for the more than 5 minutes of beating each other? Or in the case that the plot behind the scene is in a hurry?

  • Conor 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    The ultimate reflection on consumer society. Every time I watch Carpenter's movie, I feel that the soundtrack in it is very emotional. It turns out that the composer is himself.

They Live quotes

  • Nada: Wooo. It's like a drug. Wearing these glasses gets you high, but you come down hard.

  • Nada: You see, I take these glasses off, she looks like a regular person, doesn't she? Put 'em back on...

    [puts them back on]

    Nada: ...formaldehyde-face!