
Georgianna 2021-11-20 08:01:41

This is the first time I have seen Kurosawa Akira's work. The motive is absolutely impure. I do not deny that it is because Nomura thought of watching this movie. I have become obsessed with him, but apart from ONMYOJI1 and 2, now I only have "Chaos" to watch. Nevertheless, when I actually started watching a movie, I tried to get rid of distractions. This should be the most basic respect. In fact, it's not difficult, the movie itself is enough to make me feel at ease. Only a little bit at the beginning is not attentive. I played the actor's credits on the screen, and I was immediately attracted, regardless of the slightly solemn atmosphere, just waiting for the name to appear. Finally, Takeshi Nomura, in 1985, when he was still named Takeshi.

I haven't read King Lear, and I can't tell to what extent Kurosawa Akira uses the essence of the original book. As far as the story itself is concerned, it can't be said to be special. Especially in China, which has experienced so many dynasties, Shi's father and brother Shi have sought to usurp the throne in countless numbers. The human mind is extremely easy to be confused. But from other aspects, the actors, music, costumes, and scenes are all good, and there is also a director who is vigorous and uncompromising, and thus makes a good movie.

Among all, the most shocking is the actors. Especially there are three.

Nakadai Tatsuya (Nakadai Tatsuya) who plays the actor character Wen Xiuhu is an actor I don't know at all. It is said that in Japan, he is a famous artist whose status is equal to that of Toshiro Mifune, and he has appeared in many movies of Akira Kurosawa. I found a 2002 "White Dog and Waltz" on Google, starring him and Wakamura Mayumi, a quiet film with a touch of warmth. Looking at the stills, it is a kind old man. This is simply unimaginable to me. In "Chaos", I was frightened by him at the beginning. First it was the running of the wild boar, the messy horseshoes, and without warning, he suddenly appeared, holding his bow, his eyes sharp, staring straight at me, the arrow in his hand almost shot through the screen, straight into my heart. I have been mentally prepared. The DVD I bought has a black cover and red lettering. Then this crazy old man raised his left hand and pointed to the front, opened his mouth, frowned, and looked to the sky. I haven't seen his eyes directly, but I feel a great sadness rushing toward my face. He was indeed unfortunate, but when I saw it, there was no sorrow at all. After so many years of fighting, leading to the destruction of so many tribes, he actually wants to spend his old age, which is too ridiculous. When Xiuhu was expelled and attacked by his son, bullets and arrows flew in front of him in the towers of the Three Cities, he just sat like that with his eyes wide open. At that moment, what was in his mind? Suddenly awakened, he finally realized what had happened and wanted to cut his belly, but he didn't have a knife. His knife was old and rusty, but it broke when he wanted to use it for self-defense. In the end, the only three sons who loved him died because of him. The two were talking immediately, very happily, looking for a place where there was no one, just talk to the father and the son. Saburo fell down with a shot.

A woman in the play is called "Mrs. Maple". The clan attacked by Xiuhu, and his mother hanged herself in front of him on a tower of a city. Full of resentment and viciousness, she first asked Da Lang to expel his father, then used her color to make Erlang kill the original partner "Mo", and finally urged Erlang to assassinate Saburo regardless of the danger of provoking war. Although she could not escape her death, but the goal has been achieved. Those who hurt their clan will not die. This role is played by Mieko Harada (Mieko Harada), and the momentum is not bad. Especially when I threatened Erlang with the opportunity of offering a helmet, I was shocked to see me. Such a woman, Da Lang, Er Lang, and ordinary people like her, can't help her.

Now, it's time to talk about "Tsurumaru". Without any selfishness, he acted very well. Tsuramaru, a poor child, can survive in the world in a humble manner at the cost of blindness. The dilapidated wooden house does not need lights, only the wooden flute as a companion. His voice trembled, and he tolerated his grief. The melody he played for Xiuhu was harsh and harsh, and sadness entered my lungs like an arrow, and the pain was unacceptable. Although it has been so long, but after seeing him now, there is nothing surprising when I go to see Tsurumaru again. Although the voice has changed a lot, it can be recognized by hearing it. In the red light of the charcoal fire, his pale face, thin chin, and small nose, this is the young Nomura! He got up to get the bedding, he took out the wooden flute to blow the gesture, his slender white fingers. I can only hold my breath lightly and watch it all intently. I really want to know, what is left in his young heart when he is involved in such a movie and spent such a period of time with Akira Kurosawa who is known as the movie czar?

At the end of the movie, Saburo's men carried Xiuhu and Saburo's corpses as they drifted away in the twilight wilderness. The change of ownership is a new era. I don't care about these, I just think about the child. With the thin figure on the abandoned tower, he knocked on the thin bamboo pole and walked directionlessly, almost falling down. In shock, the portrait of the Buddha left by his sister "Mo" was also lost. From then on, he really had nothing, and only himself was left between the heaven and the earth.

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Ran quotes

  • Kyoami: Are there no gods... no Buddha? If you exist, hear me. You are mischievous and cruel! Are you so bored up there you must crush us like ants? Is it such fun to see men weep?

    Tango: Enough! Do not blaspheme! It is the gods who weep. They see us killing each other over and over since time began. They can't save us from ourselves.

  • Hidetora: What madness have I spoken? Wherein lies my senility?

    Saburo Naotora Ichimonji: I'll tell you. What kind of world do we live in? One barren of loyalty and feeling.

    Hidetora: I'm aware of that.

    Saburo Naotora Ichimonji: So you should be! You spilled an ocean of blood. You showed no mercy, no pity. We too are children of this age... weaned on strife and chaos. We are your sons, yet you count on our fidelity. In my eyes, that makes you a fool. A senile old fool!