Oshii Mamoru is not suitable for frequent viewing

Kelli 2022-03-25 09:01:23

Thinking too much is not necessarily a good thing, but many times you don't want to think about it. The reason why I don't like Oshii Mamoru all the time is dull, depressed, dark, desperate, constantly asking you 'whether this is a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality', and you can't breathe from beginning to end.
"That guy is also an ordinary person, isn't he?"
The conflict between the state apparatus and human nature itself, this kind of setting is used at all times.
'Only in the ending of the story written by people, the hunter will defeat the wolf',
so Little Red Riding Hood was eaten by the big bad wolf as an inevitable result.

The tense atmosphere is full of sincerity; the shots in the middle have a strong sense of impact; in order to depict the decadent state of the male protagonist, some details are in place, until the end of the film, thinking about the deliberately created atmosphere, people and things, I have to admire the author's intentions .

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Extended Reading
  • Maia 2022-04-23 07:05:28

    The overall atmosphere is like a live-action movie, and fairy tales are interspersed with cruel political struggles. When the dream wakes up, the big bad wolf bites Little Red Riding Hood's neck and roars at the moon...

  • Jerald 2022-04-21 09:03:48

    Realistic to hand-painted animation's obsession with real characters and backgrounds, even in an overhead post-war Japan, it can still achieve the effect of nostalgic for the old times with such meticulousness. From the security struggle to the Japanese Red Army, I vaguely feel that some of the accidents alluded to in the film are in line with Oshii Mamoru's depression and despair. However, even without considering this aspect, the film exposes human and animal nature, and the brutal civil war of human beings is enough to bring people to think about. , a wild dog-style road choice.

Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade quotes

  • Kei Amemiya: What big eyes you have... what big teeth you have!