Four different lives accompanied by a dachshund.

Elissa 2022-09-26 14:14:36

Movies Generally
, this movie is not suitable for viewing when you are in a good mood. The movie is rather dull. I personally don't like this kind of movie very much. The content of the movie is mainly composed of four stories with dachshunds. The first story is about a rude father Tianguan dachshund, sick children like it very much, but the mother brought the dachshund for sterilization, and the child is very disappointed. The second story is that the beauty met an old classmate she liked in the supermarket, and brought the dachshund and the old classmate to visit the old classmate. The mentally handicapped younger brother and sister-in-law, the younger brother is obsessed with games all day long, and he doesn't even know that his father has died, and his old classmate also has a drug problem. The third story is that Professor Ai writes scripts all day long, but he can't get any attention from the film company. They are being politely rejected, and complained by students because they are unhappy and unhappy all day long, and are in danger of losing their professor's job. Professor Dwarf finally tied a bomb to the dachshund, and the police took the professor away. The fourth story is The granddaughter whom I haven't seen for many years came to see the blind grandmother. The blind grandmother was accompanied by a dachshund dog and a maid. The granddaughter brought an old black boyfriend. , I saw countless little girls in a trance in the park, it was all life after various choices, my grandmother's tears were blurred, and at this time, the dachshund dog was smashed into flesh by multiple cars on the road (NMD, how can it be so cruel and ruthless) , TMD unscrupulous driver, TMD unscrupulous driver). The last art exhibition, on display is a model dachshund.

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Wiener-Dog quotes

  • Danny: [yanking on the leash] Heel, motherfucker!