Susan's characters

Missouri 2022-04-22 07:01:25

The housewife who committed suicide in the first episode successfully attracted attention. Then use the dead Alice's perspective of God as a narrator, with a very emotional sympathy. All kinds of echoes of beginning and end, the language of various poems, all kinds of coincidences, all kinds of life situations are all accounted for in this drama.

Want to write about Susan's stupidity. Many people dislike her, but I actually liked her the most in the first season because I saw myself in her.

A single mother, perhaps because of the family, she grew up into a big child, she can't take care of herself, she can't take care of all kinds of things, she makes mistakes every day, and messes one after another. Jumping from the windowsill will smash the roof and then get stuck in it. Participating in the charity show is obviously the finale of the audience, but because of misunderstanding, the clothes are torn in tatters and then shy, taking care of the baby will make her fall to the ground, The dog of a loved one gets his earring stuck in the dog's throat... it seems that as soon as she came out we expected the ending to be a joke. We laughed at her, standing on the commanding heights of what we thought was a wiser person. However, Susan is like us after the dramatic treatment.

At least that's how I am. When I go up the stairs, I will fall twice and laugh at people I don’t know. After class, I will trip over the trash can and pull my classmates down. When I turn on the water, I will drop my card into a bucket full of boiling water. Somehow I lost a textbook, not to mention the norm that I don't bring a notebook, a book, or a pen to class. There is always an endless distance between what you want and what you have.

Each of us longs for a reliable person around us to lead us directly on the right path in life, in fact, because each of us is unreliable, stumbles, and always does stupid things. When we laugh at Susan, maybe God has a pair of sympathetic eyes, and it is also lovingly watching us all beings. Suan was singled out as an example, which was the director's meanness.

And the director is not a mean person, on the contrary, on the whole, the director treats her well. In my opinion, I can even say that she is the happiest and luckiest person in the whole show.

She has two of the most reliable and most loved people around her, her daughter Julie and her boyfriend Mike. When she divorced her ex-husband, she was devastated and sat without food or drink all day long. It was Julie who supported the family to deal with chores, both big and small, and brought her peace of mind, allowing her to step out of the shadows and start a new life. Before Mike joined the family, she and Julie were really like sisters and sisters (Julie is her sister), sharing their joys and sorrows, communicating naturally, and chatting freely. And every time the progress with Mike encounters difficulties, Susan will come to Julie to find solutions. Julie's high IQ and high emotional intelligence are also cultivated in the process of getting along. A blessing in disguise? Hahaha.

Mike, although the process was complicated and long, he and Susan came together. I believe Mike could see Susan's little confusion from the very beginning, and he could see clearly all the little tricks and tricks she was in front of her. Romain Rolland said, "Real heroism is to love life after seeing life clearly." I also want to say that true love for a person is to still love her as before after seeing her negativity. With Mike, her stupidity sometimes spills over to the point where Mike brings greatness to his peaceful life, but one of Mike's behaviors throughout the season when faced with this is smiling, watching Susan dodgingly smile as if she was. His big baby deserves his care from birth. That smile not only made Susan fall, but also melted me.

An inappropriate analogy is that flowers are placed on cow dung. What we envy is not the flowers, but the cow dung (I don't mean to belittle Susan and say that I love her the most). In the first season, the flower itself used cow dung as the most nutritious soil. Maybe I love Susan, not as a person, but for her encounters, her life.

A person who can tolerate my stupidity, my stupidity and my unreasonable troubles, smile at me lightly in the face of all unpleasantness, and face me calmly, this is the love I also want.

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Desperate Housewives quotes

  • Danielle Van De Kamp: Why can't we ever have normal soups? Like French Onion, or Navy Bean?

    Bree Van De Kamp: Well, Danielle, your father is deathly allergic to onions, and I won't even dignify your *navy bean* suggestion with a response.

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