What the "second generation of humans" urgently needs to solve is not knowledge, but food.

Theron 2022-03-30 09:01:05

The movie was downloaded in October last year. I thought it was an ordinary low-cost movie. The optical cable could not be connected due to heavy rain these days.
At the end of the movie, the teacher gives a class to the "second generation of human beings", which is completely the theme of knowledge determining fate.
The biggest difference between the zombie apocalypse and other apocalypse is that he only affects humans, and can keep any objects built by humans. As long as there is no large-scale disaster, isn't the knowledge in the British Museum? (Hehe, British movies) Others Type of doomsday movie, it is completely destructive, like "2012" and "The Day After Tomorrow" have bridges to protect human cultural heritage, "Book of Elie" even beat you to the death for a Bible, and there are also "Doomsday" like "Doomsday" Those who don't consider these are as if they are completely sure of solving the world crisis, but they are originally shooting commercial blockbusters. (It’s going to be farther than that.) The
food chain and the survival and reproduction of species are inseparable from food and water. The soldier who was bitten to death in the supermarket said to the SS child who took the mouse, you need it more, look at your skin and bones, so " The second generation of human beings "The first thing to solve if they want to continue to survive is food, because death is not enough, the insects eaten in the cell, the cat eating the cat, and the bird eating the bird are reflected, so the "second generation human" can't imagine the previous generation. In that way, if you buy meat on a pound, you can only talk about the head and the only. Therefore, the last teacher should mainly teach insect breeding, animal husbandry, hunting skills, cooking and the like (it is estimated that she only understands fur); teach some knowledge, and it is good that there is nothing in the book.
If she starts teaching from classical Chinese, the "second generation of humans" may become extinct after the second generation, and it is really "the second generation of humans"; if it does not become extinct, it must have evolved a mouth like a pangolin (which is conducive to preying on insects). ) or predatory animals that run on all fours like lions and tigers.

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Extended Reading
  • Stuart 2022-03-21 09:02:31

    A zombie movie that can make new ideas is a good movie

  • Betsy 2021-12-26 08:01:51

    "Why should I be Lei Feng?", one of the most unexpected zombie films. It’s hard to imagine that this is still a debut work. It’s not good in any way (OST is simply a bunker), and it completely breaks the traditional way of zombie movies that always struggle to survive to survive or sacrifice the ego to complete the greatness of the ego. The end of God's mind is extremely terrifying. Pandora opened the magic box and released the disaster. In the post-zombie era, it is still reliable to take a teacher certificate

The Girl with All the Gifts quotes

  • Melanie: Pretend to be scared of me.

    Sgt. Eddie Parks: [incredulously] Pretend?

  • Helen Justineau: [Melanie stares at a cat poster] Do you want a cat?

    Melanie: [as blood still drips from her face] I already had one.