Everything seems destined, but in fact it is man-made.

Norval 2022-03-25 09:01:07

Personally, if I can only be an ordinary person in this life, I might as well be self-willed. Because it is ordinary, it will not bring about major historical consequences, and it may also allow oneself to have happiness. If you worry too much, you will live a life of unhappiness; if you don't think about it, you will live a life and enjoy yourself more. You are nothing, there are not so many people and things that you are responsible for!

Everything seems destined, but in fact it is man-made. Trying to show the truth can only show the unreal. Their emotions are used to pay homage to the ethics and morality of society, and the physical body that has not been sacrificed will eventually sink in memory. One chooses to leave and go away and tell the nameless little hole; the other stays, delusional time and ordinary life to dilute that year, that month, that person, that thing...

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In the Mood for Love quotes

  • Chow Mo-wan: It's me. If there's an extra ticket... would you go with me?

    Su Li-zhen Chan: It's me. If there's an extra ticket... would you go with me?

  • Su Li-zhen Chan: Am I hopeless?

    Chow Mo-wan: Not really.