The silence before the explosion?

Jess 2022-03-25 09:01:10

The most interesting thing about watching a Spielberg movie is seeing how he reveals his romantic feelings in the first few minutes. This movie is about the 80th minute, which is the latest in history, and from this point of view, the whole The movie is very unspielberg, you can't imagine he did "Jurassic Park 2" half a year ago and "Saving Private Ryan" half a year later. The biggest problem with the movie is that it is lengthy. Although the value of the play itself is good, the shooting method is too normal and lacking in bright spots. Even if the actors' performances are online, they still give people a strong sense of fatigue. Probably this is the silence of the master before the outbreak...

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Extended Reading
  • Angie 2022-04-20 09:01:52

    This movie is really the main theme of TM, and it's done really well. It's that the black man reading the Bible is too blatant and obvious, but I still give it four stars, there is really a lot to learn

  • Alphonso 2022-04-20 09:01:52

    3.5. Spielberg's non-famous and non-representative works have received mixed criticism and praise. Some of these criticisms come from dissatisfaction with the highly idealized way the film deals with historical events. If you think about it, similar criticisms are not wrong. Most of the time, we are disgusted with political correctness. What exactly are we disgusted with? It was aimed at recording reality, but in the end it was mixed with excessive ideals, whether it was active or passive. For this film, reflecting history is an attitude worthy of respect, but right and wrong are relatively solidified, and too many highlights cover up the real cruelty. At this time, even if the movie is "good-looking" and the golden sentence is frequently published, it will make people feel that there is a fly in the ointment.

Amistad quotes

  • Amistad Slave #1: [in Mende] He reminds me of that Fula of Baoma, you know the one who hires himself to scrape elephant dung from the crop rows.

    Amistad Slave #2: [in Mende] A dung-scraper might be just the kind of man we need right now.

    Baldwin: [point to a map] Here, Africa? Is this where you're from? A-fri-ca?

  • Baldwin: [to the court] My clients' journey did not begin in Havana, as they claim and keep claiming more and more emphatically. No, my clients' journey began much, much further away.