The tragedy of the second child

Antone 2022-03-25 09:01:19

Evil comes from the desire for love.

At the age of nine, Joshua showed grace and calmness that did not match his age.

For him, the newborn sister is a demon, ruthlessly taking away the love that should belong to him.

What kind of loneliness is that?

The proud piano was reprimanded for the noise that made my sister sleep.

The mother hugged the newborn baby tenderly, while the father was holding the camera to shoot.

Grandma and uncle surrounded my sister, laughing and coaxing. Oh what a happy family!

What about Joshua?

He played the piano silently, the sound of the piano was faint, and it seemed so far away from them.

He is precocious and highly intelligent, with a calm and indifferent expression at all times.

Of course, he's just a kid.

How a child can truly realize a parent's love.

He wasn't sure, he doubted, he wanted to check.

He asked his father: what do you think of me? Your son?

Longing, desperately longing to be loved.

At the concert, he couldn't help playing the children's song "Little Star".

That was the deepest yearning in his heart-to have the love of his parents.

To get it, do whatever it takes to get it.

If you can't get it, you will be destroyed.

The evil in Joshua's heart gradually grew and expanded.


A once happy family has become a hell on earth shrouded in terror.

Young babies cry day and night, postpartum mothers are hysterical, and tired fathers keep running...

Chaos, weirdness, and accidents happened frequently, and it seemed that an invisible mysterious force was controlling them, destroying their will.

Who would have thought that this is just the "masterpiece" of a nine-year-old boy.

The little boy indifferently watched his family struggle and cry in the abyss of pain.

Mom and Joshua play hide-and-seek.

In the darkness, with a terrifying breath, she stumbled to find her son.

Son - gone

The mother, whose mental state was already extremely unstable, collapsed and fell to the ground.

Mom curled up in Dad's arms.

Joshua quietly looked at the parents who came over. Just now, he walked away when his mother was not paying attention.

The mother was like a madman, crying hysterically: You! you! ......

Joshua was expressionless, as if nothing had happened.

He asked innocently: Why are you staring at me like that, Mom?

Turn your head, stretch out your hand, and pat the sister in the cradle

The music suddenly sounded, and I was shocked!

Joshua's hand painted paintings

- Surrounded by Blades, Lonely, Abused Boy

The picture, shocking, is the truest portrayal of his heart.

The violent father slapped Joshua, and Joshua looked at him and murmured:

Nobody will love you forever!

This is what he said to himself, hopeless and sad

End of story...

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Extended Reading
  • Nona 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    Indifference is also abuse

  • Maxine 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    Joshua's motive for doing evil was not simply portrayed as jealous of the second child, so this film did not fall into a cliché~ A child's world has his own rules, which are difficult to interpret with an adult's thinking, so We often think that some of their behaviors are cute, but some of them are also extremely cruel and vicious, because their "laws" give this kind of behavior legitimacy

Joshua quotes

  • Joe Cairn: [visiting to see the baby] How many rats in this building? I'm guessing a hundred.

  • Joshua Cairn: You know, you don't have to love me. That's not a rule of something.

    Brad Cairn: But I I*do* love you. You're my boy. I'll always love you, no matter what.