Do trash deserve to be loved too?

Pearlie 2022-03-26 09:01:11

Even if I'm a piece of shit, my mother still loves me. I didn't hurt or dislike me. I'm willing to show all my bad faults and all my weaknesses in front of her, but she doesn't dislike me at all. I thought all mothers would do this. No, that's why I realize how lucky I am

Simon is a distressed boy. He was sad and angry that Zucchini left, but he forced him to leave. He watched Zucchini and Camille leave. I was still thinking about what to do when I was too sad. I washed his underwear for a year, I thought he would run the fastest happily, but he stayed silently, closed the door, and then walked away slowly. Because of the small happiness of the letter from zucchini, he set the mood column to the little sun

Mikal couldn't help crying when she arrived at the police uncle's house. She said she didn't know why she was crying, but it was really sad to think that there are many cute little girls who have never been treated gently, and then she was burst into tears by the police uncle. poke

So many problems and insecurities in the minds of the kids at the end of the supposed young age Would you love him even if he was a piece of shit? Parents' love is selfless children's love for their parents, isn't it? The abandoned children in the film have done a lot of wrongs. The children still miss them, even if they are trash, they still love them. Children are the purest. Angels, but who loves them?


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Extended Reading
  • Freddy 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Dad and chick are flying kites, beer cans are folded into small tin boats; potatoes become zucchini, do not know each other; the warmth of the snow-capped mountains, fck da police smashing water polo; lovers eventually become brothers and sisters, please leave on our behalf...Simple and true feelings , That’s the eavesdropping situation in the middle is a little bit harder

  • Pedro 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    Lovers eventually become brothers and sisters, very good. Because I stand in Shuangxi CP!

My Life as a Zucchini quotes

  • Raymond: Your mum is no longer there, Icare.

    Courgette: My name is Courgette!

    Raymond: Courgette... Did your mum call you that? Hm. My name is Raymond.

    Courgette: Did your mum call you that?

  • Raymond: OK... Where's your father?

    Courgette: Here... And there's my dad's chick. Mum always said he liked chicks very much

    Raymond: Alright...