they have pad man in india

Katheryn 2022-04-13 09:01:06

India is still very promising, I don't want to comment too much, let's say a few lines.

If we think of our population not as the number of bodies but as the number of minds, there is no power in the world more powerful than we are.

America has Superman, Iron Man, Batman, we have Padman in India.

If you die, you have no problem, simply.

No problem means you are not living. Problem comes, means a chance for living.

Big man, strong man, can not make our country strong, only our women, our mother, our sister strong, can make our country strong.

I can't help but think of the point of view put forward in "The Distant Savior": cultural attributes determine the fate of a country, and weak cultures can only achieve backward kingdoms. The vast majority of Indians are still looking to a distant savior to solve their problems, and they are still struggling for a while.

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Extended Reading
  • Dejah 2022-04-05 09:01:08

    I just find it strange how the hero and heroine fall in love with such different ideas...

  • Pierce 2022-04-10 09:01:08

    The offbeat subject matter is the key to the film's success. At that time, India was similar to China. I hadn't seen a sanitary napkin in the first two or three years of menstruation. It was completely supported by toilet paper. Later, I got the thick sanitary napkin without wings in the film. It appeared, but there was no pad man in China at that time, so now subconsciously, sanitary napkins are very expensive luxury goods.

Pad Man quotes

  • Lakshmikant Chauhan: Bloody men... half hour... half hour bleeding like women... they straight dying!

  • Lakshmikant Chauhan: You thinking I mad. But mad only becoming famous!