"The Gone Sidney Hall"

Elouise 2022-10-01 19:39:31

Sidney Hall has had the habit of writing a diary since he was five years old and recording his own experiences at will, and has a very high writing talent. The mother over-controls everything about him, the father is disabled, the family lives on the father's disability insurance, and the family relationship is not harmonious. In middle school, Sidney, who was not good at socializing, was cowardly and did not dare to stop bullying when she saw it. Seemingly strong and bullying at school, Brett committed suicide in front of his family. Sidney had buried a box in a suburban hill with him in fifth grade before Sidney learned that it contained Brett's family secrets.

The smart and beautiful neighbor girl Manridi falls in love with Sidney, reads everything he writes in the school newspaper, and suggests that he begin the novel with what happened to Brett, which Sidney wrote. , did not expect to sell. Manlidi has extraordinary athletic ability, and she can win games she has never played before, and the two young people finally come together. But because Sidney kept attending book signings and interviews. Let their relationship not have the original tacit understanding. Manridi passed away unexpectedly from asthma. Sidney finds himself remorseful when he learns that a young reader committed suicide after reading his book. At twenty-three, he left everything that fame brought. He changed his name and changed his identity and embarked on a wandering journey to the west. He found his own novels in the library passing by and burned them, so as to prevent young people from reading his novels and committing suicide.

Francis, posing as a detective, has been looking for Sidney, who has suddenly been removed from the publishing world, and he was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize with Sidney, who eventually became him because of the suicide of Sidney's fans. They both appreciate each other from words. He is grateful to Sidney because his son saw his work, which helped his son come out of the pain of losing his mother. When he found Sidney, he hoped to write a biography of Sidney, and finally traveled all the way, sending Sidney to the house he had bought deep in the desert. This is the promise that Sidney and his wife Manlidi once made. No matter whether they will be together in the future, they will meet here on May 25, when they are 30 years old. He put the small sculpture that his wife liked when he was alive on the table, but he fainted on the ground after his wish. When Francis got the call, Sidney was terminally ill in the hospital, exhausted by seven years of wandering. He agreed with Francis to write his biography. In this way, one person lies down and tells everything he has experienced, and the other person sits to record and record...

The movie intertwines the three lines of Sidney when he was a minor, after he became famous and when he was a wanderer, making the less complicated plot look very complicated. The scene of fighting with his mother for a diary and a videotape and the scene of his wife being trapped in the elevator and having trouble breathing back and forth are very impactful, because the people who died and died are sad and sad. This is also the result of the writer's meticulousness, sensitivity and passion.

I don't know how to shoot. As long as the story is told clearly and there are one or two episodes that touch me, I will think the movie is good. This one is worth it.

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The Vanishing of Sidney Hall quotes

  • Sidney Hall: Gloria... she had a virginal quality that contrasted with her ice cool outer shell... yeah, she was a bitch, for sure... Her breasts, her cheekbones, her legs; she saw that in the mirror every morning and was well aware of the power they held over men. No one could touch her or intimidate her. I once saw Brad Dorsey, the captain of the soccer team, crying by his locker. She had dumped him after one date and took his balls with her. From that day forward he never played sports again.

  • Sidney Hall: Once Melody left me, it dawned on me, looking out at all of those wonderful city lights, that I was just one of those millions of city lights, a tiny little pixel, buried within the white noise of life, blinking on for just a brief second in time.