a farce

Branson 2022-03-25 09:01:08

The definition of comedy does not apply to this movie at all. To tell the truth, where is the joke in this movie? After Jim Carrey was labeled as a comedy, in fact, if you look closely, many of his films are too personal. That is his unique exaggeration. It's just a pity that this performance mode is in this way. Totally useless in a movie. This film is somewhat analogous to Xing Ye's "The King of Comedy", except that Xing Ye's character is always poor, while Jin's character falls from the middle class to poverty. However, Xing Ye really showed the highest realm of comedy in "The King of Comedy", that is, tragedy. And Jim Carrey completely turned "The New Money-grabbing Couple" into a farce. The farce is not even a comedy, not to mention the pain after watching it. In fact, the character setting of the film is very distinctive. The kind of life after the bankruptcy of the middle class will indeed form a strong contrast ratio before and after. What the husband and wife experienced in the process of looking for a job can easily move the audience, but it is a pity, The male and female protagonists in the play are not integrated into the characters at all, making the most infectious part extremely weak. As for the plot of the whole story, it is very imprecise. All the content that needs to be fully expressed in a hurry within 90 minutes is really just passing by in a hurry.

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Extended Reading
  • Sherwood 2022-04-22 07:01:14

    Just love that poster of Jim Carrey's single

  • Baylee 2021-11-18 08:01:28

    The most suitable role for Kelly

Fun with Dick and Jane quotes

  • [last lines]

    Garth: Hey, how do you like the new wheels?

    Dick Harper: Nice.

    Garth: Hooked up with a new company. Great benefits.

    Dick Harper: Yeah?

    Garth: Yeah. They trade energy. It's called Enron!

    Dick Harper: Huh.

  • Dick Harper: I'm pretty sure she's gonna notice her car isn't towed.

    Frank Bascom: Right, I'll stall her.

    [Frank backs his car straight into female banker's car]