"Kubo and the Erxian Qin" - full of sex and fragrance, but not enough obscenity

Al 2022-03-31 09:01:03

When watching this visually stunning cartoon, the only sense of inconsistency is that these Japanese mouths are clearly speaking English. Yes, this Japanese story that needs to be left blank and has to be detailed and detailed is actually MADE IN USA. If it weren't for the deadly structure and pronunciation of group treasure hunts to upgrade monsters, the message conveyed by the screen would have been very oriental. Kubo's gesture of walking among the towering ancient trees made me think that Yingu would come to help him eliminate insects in the next second. The shock of the angry sea was still surging under the bright moon, and the woman's slender eyebrows were seductive and dangerous. You can think of the film as a full-fed worm with a misshapen tail. Those who haven't watched this film must not understand that I imagined such a beautiful cartoon as a disgusting bug. After all, Kubo's grandfather is too stealthy.

The film tells the story of Grandpa Kubo, who claims to be a god, unable to accept that his eldest daughter fell in love with the samurai, so he sent his two younger daughters to hunt down the three of them. The samurai was cursed to become a beetle (Kafka forced his debut?) In the battle, his head was seriously injured, but he escaped with his son, and both returned to the village. Grandpa Kubo's divine power comes from the moon, so mother and son Kubo can stay safe and sound as long as they hide at home before evening. Of course, all the protagonists must do something when they know that there is one thing they absolutely cannot do...

Looking at it is not very familiar, it is a living American who speaks the Japanese version of agarwood. Immortals love mortals, and the immortal family jumped out and shouted "your sister", oh no, it was "immortals can't fall in love", and then separated the two alive and called them "this is for your own good". Our little Chenxiang, that is, Kubo, went on a treasure hunt to save himself and others. He fought with his aunts and aunts from time to time. In the end, the ultimate boss Erlang Shen (grandfather) came out in person. Friends who like family ethics dramas should not miss it when passing by. You must know that family conflicts are not a joke in the evil capitalist society.

This cartoon has such a high rating, and the powerful visual effects are definitely the main attack. The combination of freeze-frame, printmaking, 3D printing, and CG technology makes this film a unique paper art aesthetic when watching: The title is lonely The sound of the qin on the sea is very powerful against the waves, and the fights of the maple leaf boats on the sea are in a trance. Some of the charm of the fight in the bamboo forest in "Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger", the rice sea renders the familiar sense of happiness, and the half-buried warriors in the ice and snow are added. Sadness and Buddhahood. A three-stringed violin, no one will listen to the broken strings.

However, the flaws in the plot make the setting extremely pale: why the eyes of grandpa who risked his life to fight for the eyes are endless; it is clear that Kubo's mother and son are best at fighting the enemy with the piano, and the search for armor and swords throughout the film is completely unnecessary; Kubo's power is inexplicable Getting stronger and stronger; a selfish old fairy whom the whole village somehow coaxed into being a silly white sweet? Frankly speaking, this is even more speechless than the classic dialogues in "Slumdog Millionaire", "Then what do we live on" and "Love". Love is beautiful, family affection is very strong, no matter how powerful a weapon is, it is better to travel with love. This kind of chicken soup is full of color and fragrance, but the taste is still too light.

Although there are many loopholes, the visual effects come together. Carrying out the beautiful mission of the reunion and independence of the American family, and the source of tragedy that the oriental elders are the supreme authority, the sincerity of this animation can still be seen.

As for the question that this is obviously a three-stringed piano, but the title of the film is stubborn to call him "Kubo and the Two-stringed Qin", I guess it is also because at the end Kubo used the hair of a family of three to make sturdy strings and defeated the ruthless and selfish grandfather. The Kubo parents of the string finger. Love and family are complete, three people together is the invincible three-stringed violin... I'm sorry, I really can't make it up.

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Extended Reading
  • Benedict 2022-04-24 07:01:06

    Compared with pandas, which presents Chinese elements extremely beautifully, this one uses Japanese elements to create a lot of creative points. The use of origami is particularly wonderful, as well as the texture of the scene. But the plot and characters are a bit weak, the dialogue is not concise (especially monkeys) and the jokes are occasionally blunt, and when the action scene can't go on, a white light switches to the next scene, and the glass cover is speechless at the end... The Beetle's western face always feels like the other The oriental face of the character does not match

  • Reggie 2021-11-23 08:01:13

    Spoiler alert: It's another murder case caused by a cabbage grower who was angry at pigs for picking up his cabbage.

Kubo and the Two Strings quotes

  • The Sisters: Kubo, we've been waiting for you for so long.

  • Kubo: Don't you ever say anything encouraging?

    Monkey: I encourage you not to die.

    Kubo: [Mockingly] I encourage you not to die.