If I have a little love, I will give you a little, if I don't have it, just give it a hug.

Marcelina 2022-03-28 09:01:07

I am so grateful to be able to watch "The Thief Family" in the cinema. This extremely restrained shooting method is very Hirokazu-eda, very great. No wailing, no piercing, most of the time we keep our lips closed. This is the truth of life.

At the beach, grandma used sand to cover age spots on her legs like a small towel. "Oops, there are more and more spots." Annoyance about death can be so relaxed and unrepentant. Looking at the unrelated family laughing and laughing from a distance, she whispered to herself, "Thank you."

Ando Sakura said to five-year-old Lingling, "If someone says he loves you, but hits you, he must be lying. Loving you will hug you tightly like me."

After eating instant noodles and croquettes on winter nights. My brother was lying on the bed and asked my father, when I broke my leg, the lawyer said that you were trying to run away when they came to the door. Are you planning to leave me behind? Dad said, um. sorry. My brother said, um.

The whole family are all black households with hidden secrets. If they don't escape, they will all be arrested. Names, identities, occupations are all fake. The face and eyes that get along day and night are real. We all have difficulties, so be considerate of each other. If I have a little love, I will give you a little, if I don't have it, just give it a hug.

The warmth of the weak at the bottom is really fragile, and the people are displaced. Once something happens, they will be broken, injured, sick, and disabled. But this kind of warmth is very firm, if it is not forced to leave, the days can be long, gentle and gentle for 10,000 years.

There is another scene that impressed me the most. Grandma and Ando Sakura are walking on the bridge, and the white cherry blossoms can be seen behind the camera from an elevation angle. Grandma said, I chose you, and you also chose to be dragged down by me. Ando Sakura said with a smile, it was a bond. fetters. Ha ha. That picture, the spring breeze is blowing. warm. The Japanese like to use the word fetter. In "fetters", there is destiny, there is no regret or no regrets.

(Xiang is too handsome!! Jiwotou leads the fashionable world of children! Where did the director find these clean and beautiful little boys who are not ostentatious and dewy!!)

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Extended Reading
  • Bartholome 2022-04-24 07:01:16

    The little boy has the shadow of Liu Le Yumi, and wants to hug him. /Reviewing the domestic release version is the same place that I like the most, and I have added a lot of favorite details. Finally, I sigh, human nature is too complicated, there is love and there is evil.

  • Salvador 2022-01-05 08:02:01

    The most laborious growth leaves only the shell on the tree, and the most hideous wound leaves only the scar on the skin. The most moving fireworks can't be seen in the air, and the deepest thanks are floating into the wind and can't be heard. You taught me the most delicious way to eat food, but you taught me the most shameful way to get food; I learned to pray the most effective gestures, and also learned to pray for the most despicable wishes. I secretly replaced my childhood in the store, you buried your scars in the dirt, and we formed a home.

Shoplifters quotes

  • Nobuyo Shibata: Sometimes it's better to choose your own family.

  • Aki Shibata: So Grandma wanted my parent's money but she didn't want me?