Thinking or obedience

Ettie 2021-12-24 08:01:42

1. The conclusions given in the last five minutes of the movie, whether correct or not, are worth thinking about. Does religion give people who are unwilling to think about the big problem an excuse or opportunity? Even lazy people have found a way to solve their inner helplessness.

2. The host of the talk show is really sturdy. He speaks sharply. The film inserts many movies and news scenes to set off the scenes. The interviewees are too helpless.

3. Religulous itself has the meaning of faith, which makes me think that ours is not ruled by religion, but the rule of faith is equally pervasive. Or, if there is no one kind of faith, people tend to look for another kind of faith that can switch painlessly, rather than working hard in the right direction.

4. Doubt, just like this movie.

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Extended Reading
  • Elsie 2022-04-22 07:01:39

    Does it make sense to make a movie like this?

  • Derick 2022-04-20 09:01:59

    The subject matter is too broad. Or the materialism education in our country is good~

Religulous quotes

  • Bill Maher: It's also holding a giant club. So he's naked, he's a giant, he's got a huge cock and he's still insecure.

  • The Who: Won't get to get what I'm after, until the day I die!