Is patience and forgiveness the salvation?

Pauline 2021-12-28 08:01:21

The English film title "Calvary" is the place where Jesus died in the legend. The film should be called The Passion of the Priest. Father James is a good pastor and is pious and upright. One day a confessor came and told James that he would kill him because he had never done anything wrong. Like Jesus, among so many people who bear the burden of sin, the one who paid the price is the most harmless one. The topics of sin, faith, understanding, and forgiveness run through the film. It is not through the positive description of how tall a priest with faith is, but through the sins of people. Everyone has their own sins. As a guilty person, how to strengthen his faith and help other guilty people is where the priest is confused. There is a dialogue at the end of the film; the murderer asks the priest, the dog is dead, are you sad? The priest said yes, the murderer asked, did you cry? The priest said yes, the murderer asked, then you learned that other pastors have done bad things to the poor child, so many bad things over the years, have you cried? The pastor was silent, the murderer repeated, I ask you questions, are you crying? The priest said, no, the murderer said, that's right. After the priest did not finish speaking, the murderer shot. People only have the deepest feelings about what happened to them. Everyone has different experiences and cannot feel the same. Therefore, it is almost impossible to truly understand. If you can’t really understand, any so-called salvation is just to tell how to endure and feel after you endure. Tell others how to be patient with the same deep feeling. Is patience and forgiveness the salvation? ! Is intolerance and unforgiveness a sin? !

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Extended Reading
  • Chaz 2022-03-25 09:01:13

    TT Chris and Dylan! ! !

  • Laury 2021-12-28 08:01:21

    There is only one form left in the development of religion, which is really pitiful. Give a thumbs up for Littlefinger's performance

Calvary quotes

  • The Writer: You know how you can tell when you're really getting old?

    Father James Lavelle: How?

    The Writer: No-one ever says the word 'death' around you any more.

  • Father James Lavelle: I think there's too much talk about sins and not enough about virtues.

    Fiona Lavelle: What would be your number one?

    Father James Lavelle: I think forgiveness has been highly underrated.