The hard life of the emperor penguin

Rozella 2021-12-26 08:01:02

WeChat public account: shenshike-HK (the heart is the host and the guest) ====== The reason why the emperor penguin is called the emperor penguin is because before the discovery of it, a larger penguin was discovered, called "king penguin" Naming. Later, it was discovered that a tall penguin that was one head taller than the "king penguin" had to be called the "emperor penguin". I hope that the emperor penguin can have this emperor for generations to come, and do not spit out this emperor because of the discovery of a penguin that is larger than it. Otherwise, the new species of penguin does not know what it should be called, and perhaps China is willing to lend the name "Jade Emperor". Although the emperor penguin proclaims the emperor, it is not the emperor's life, it is simply a life of hardship. What kind of hard life is that? From March to April each year, adult emperor penguins have to walk about 90 kilometers. Although they did not take ecstasy, they also wobbled and walked leisurely, or glide on the ice with their belly, swing with short feet, and use small With a fat hand, he ran to an open place that was considered wind-proof, for courtship and mating. Because there are many porridges and few monks, the young men in the Emperor Penguin are calm when courting. The young women are more active, slapping each other and driving away the same sex. They do not enjoy the hospitality of the opposite sex at all. Those flowers, gifts, sweet words, not to mention. Said the house has a diamond ring for the car. After the young men and women looked at each other, the emperor penguin had a very subtle love relationship, and stood there as a couple, motionless. I don't know if they have no color and double flying wings, or are they all Duan Yanqing's ventriloquist, or whether it is not the case, anyway, they are shot in the movie and they fall in love without moving a word. Then they went to bed, hey, the film was too subtle, and finally there was a sex scene without being detailed. With close-ups of the heads of young men and young women, the egg came out. It was a bridge of Cantonese fragments: when the room light went dark, the camera turned to dawn, and the woman wept loudly. Now the crying section is also skipped, and the child comes out directly. Next, I was forced to go back to life after liberation. The male emperor penguins hatched their eggs and the female penguins went to eat, and they had to walk about 90 kilometers to reach the dining hall. After all the hardships have reached the dining hall, I have to dive myself to catch the fish. There are the same hungry seals in the sea waiting for their arrival to start a meal. The female penguin hurried back after eating a good meal, walking and crawling. It took 3 months to come and go for a full 180 kilometers. Is there such a troublesome meal in the world?! Male penguins are even more bitter, standing without eating or drinking for a few months against the strong wind. When the so-called windshield is violent in winter, the temperature drops to minus 60 degrees, but they use a body temperature of minus 36 degrees. To incubate the eggs, the temperature difference between inside and outside is nearly 100 degrees, although their 1 meter 2 head is stuffed with fat, and they are flesh and blood. Their heads are full of ice beads, they still can't move, and there are eggs on their feet. The eggs rolled and shattered accidentally. Had to hug each other to keep warm, taking turns to work hard, standing in the outermost layer to block the wind. The little penguin finally hatched, and the female penguin came back after eating, and the male penguin was able to get out and eat. You have to run so far to eat, but as the ice melts, you don’t have to walk 90 kilometers, but some penguins still inevitably fall on the way to eat. This pair of parents exchanged with each other and kept running on the way to and from the dining hall. Without delivering food, this day passed. So hard! In December, the parents left the little penguin on their own and went to the beach for a vacation. The poor little penguin was still cold, and the hair on his body was still gray and fluffy, so he had to stumble and huddle into a ball to keep warm. The ice under my feet melted and cracked. The little penguin really had no place to stand. When he fell into the water, he could swim. Swimming is forced like this. The little penguins are older and have reached adolescence at the age of 5, and are on the road of reproduction, repeating the hard life of their parents. What's so easy to live a life like this? But God finally rewarded them: a new wife can be found every year, and a bridegroom a year. An emperor penguin can live for 20 to 40 years, and spend a lifetime idle with a dozen wives. I find that when introducing emperor penguins, they often say: They are strictly monogamous. Is it so misleading? Their monogamy means that they don’t mess with each other when they co-produce one offspring this year (it’s impossible to mess with each other, it takes a fucking long march for 3 months to eat a meal), and they often find new ones in the second year. The subject reproduces offspring. Are "monogamous a year" and "monogamous" the same thing? Another layer of God’s favor for emperor penguins is to allow them to live in Antarctica, a land rarely seen by animals. Although they will be blown by strong winds for months and blow like crazy, they also isolate their natural enemies with severe cold. They have relatively few natural enemies. They are clumsy birds like skuas and can catch a little penguin. The greatest natural enemy of all animals is humans. The severe cold of Antarctica can keep most of humans out. Fortunately, it is very ambitious. There are hundreds of thousands of emperor penguins, and they are emotionally stable. ========

More articles, in the WeChat public account: Shenshike-HK (The heart is the master and the body is the guest)

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Extended Reading
  • Elissa 2022-03-27 09:01:12

    A hymn to life on the Antarctic ice sheet. Nice documentary.

  • Keegan 2021-12-26 08:01:02

    The dubbing and scoring violate the basic principles of documentary films, and it is really unnecessary. It is a natural thing, and after adding anthropomorphic dubbing, it appears hypocritical.

March of the Penguins quotes

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: [narrating voice over] There are few places hard to get to in this world. But there aren't any where it's harder to live.

  • [last lines]

    Narrator: [narrating voice over] And they will march just as they have done for centuries, ever since the emperor penguin decided to stay, to live and love in the harshest place on Earth.