It's funny, but it's too dark

Rowan 2021-12-25 08:01:06

What kind of film is this, and what does it want to illustrate?
At the beginning, I thought it was just a pure urban comedy, but at the end, it must be positive, everyone resolved their contradictions and lived happily together. Who knows that in the latter part of the film, the contradictions intensified and the methods became more and more vicious, and I felt that the whole thing was out of control. And the final ending is that people have no good feelings for the old woman at all, and I don't understand whether this film is to express sympathy for the young couple or praise the old woman.
Funny is relatively successful, especially the male protagonist is very good, but the theme is really dark and I don't like it very much.

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Extended Reading
  • Fay 2021-12-25 08:01:06

    Although 20130326jtl has a reversal at the end, the old lady in the film always gives people a very bad feeling, with a typical "old and immortal" feeling. So it also turned the movie watching process into suffering, which is not a comedy at all. It is important to control the emotions of the audience, but the key is to take care of the emotions of the audience. So black, don't use comedy as a gimmick, and the various plots are also very exaggerated. poor

  • Krystal 2022-04-23 07:02:44

    Saw it at the cinema in 2005. How much I love movie theaters. Watch any movie there. . .

Duplex quotes

  • Alex Rose: [after coming home from asking Cooper for 25,000 dollars] He said we didn't need it but he gave me his book for my collection. He wrote it in three days. Wanna know how? Okay, here it is, " Her hair was the color of your pee after you take a multi vitamin". Stupid asshole and your Don Piper mysteries and your pregnant wife whose baby is gonna have a freakin' six pack cause his mother never eats!

  • Nancy Kendricks: [Mrs. Conelly is saying she has her sink clogged] You don't have a disposal.

    Mrs. Connelly: I don't?

    Alex Rose: Whew, it's really clogged!

    [after getting it out]

    Alex Rose: Whew, all right!

    Mrs. Connelly: [Nancy throws up down the disposal] Looks like you two got some kind of bug. Good thing Officer Dan took me to have a flu shot.