"Grizzly Man" in "Director's Talk"

Nyasia 2021-12-26 08:01:01

The conflict here is between humans and animals.

Herzog constructed film as an investigation to explore this relationship.

The conclusion is: The difference in the relationship between Tridwell and the Grizzlies determined the tragedy of Tridwell.

By using the chronology of this relationship as the plot, Herzog creates a conflict in which the plot always leads people towards the protagonist's goal.

The use of dramatic techniques in documentaries makes the film more novel and attractive.


About the design of the interview:

On October 6th last year, here, next to Lake Kavria, was the place where I picked up Tim and Amy. A very ordinary day, rain, fog, and wind. It’s a little strange. I didn’t see him, didn’t hear anything, and didn’t have any equipment on the beach. I stood up straight and started calling Tim and Amy. No one answered. I saw something moving on the top of the mountain. So I thought they might not hear my call because of the wind, so I decided to climb up to the camp to see what happened. There was a deep trace through the woods leading to the camp, about three-quarters of the way. I felt something was wrong with the way up the mountain. It was a bit strange. I called out loudly but no one answered. So I turned around and started to descend quickly. I kind of... trot down the mountain alone. When I entered the deepest part of the forest, when I approached the plane , I happened to turn around. When I turned around, a vicious-looking bear I had seen before bowed its head and was sneaking closer. It was the most vicious-looking animal coming from the bush, so I quickly Jumped into the plane, started it, the plane took off, turned around, flew over the camp, looked down, and saw a man’s cage, I knew there was either Tim or Amy lying there. What is it eating. When I...so I hovered and descended very low in the sky, I wanted to drive it away, just hovering again and again like this, every time it approaches, it starts to eat faster and faster,...

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Extended Reading
  • Crawford 2021-12-26 08:01:01

    It didn't take long for me to start crying. . . This is like a story I have seen on the Bund. It is about a grumpy French man and a Chinese woman (by a music editor) who have been collecting national music that is about to be lost in the mountains of Yunnan for a long time, and have encountered many difficulty. . . The human society is too cruel, it is better to find salvation among the bears. Dirty people cannot understand this pursuit.

  • Dolores 2022-04-23 07:02:51

    This reminds me of Alex who is free climbing. They seem to be fighting against nature, but they are actually fighting against themselves.

Grizzly Man quotes

  • Timothy Treadwell: I would never, ever kill a bear in defense of my own life - would not go into a bear's home and kill a bear.

  • Sam Egli: My opinion, I think Treadwell thought these bears were big, scary looking, harmless creatures that he could go up and pet and sing to, and they would bond as children of the universe or some odd. I think he lost sight of what was really going on.