from perhaps love's space

Keely 2021-12-22 08:01:42

I watched a movie many years ago, and it feels completely different when I watch it again! A very good movie. Antonio Banderas & Angelina Jolie are both sexy. You can be tempted just by looking at the eyes of the two people. The costumes in the movie are beautiful, the architecture and the scenery are good... This is not a love story. Not an erotic story. Not a conspiracy. Not betrayal.

★Original sin. It's about human nature. About survival and death. About hope and despair. About pain and fear. One person is the key to another person's life, let him know who he is and what life is. Not everyone can have such luck or perhaps bad luck. Love is to understand the complete self from the other person's body; love is to see oneself from the other's eyes.

★The moment he saw her, what he felt was not love, but a kind of power hitting his chest, a kind of trembling that has never been experienced by a soul that has been wrapped and shackled by secular and civilized layers. Only at the beginning, he may not realize that this is not revealed by learning, experience, and experience, but can only be recognized by intuition, instinct, and nature.

★ What he originally envisioned was just a young, healthy and fertile woman. If he really got such a woman, he would be satisfied, and he would still be the owner of the manor and coffee factory. But the devil chose him and gave him a chance to discover himself. If this is considered lucky, he must be willing to accept the accompanying pain, despair, and even the danger of death.

★If he is still polite at the beginning, it's just because the chains have just begun to loosen. When his passion overlapped with her again and again, when he looked into her eyes to find something, he really woke up and felt the heat of the sun and the smell of dust in the air. He didn't hesitate to give her everything, and before he was willing to give his life, he just hadn't completely broken free. Until she disappeared from his eyes without warning, the moment he was suddenly afraid that he would never find her again, the fear he had never had before hit his chest heavily.

★The moment he recognized her, he really recognized himself. She was the key to his life, but after opening it, she tried to close it. When he realized this, he could hear his heartbeat, but couldn't find his breath. The dull pain in his chest that hits slowly became sharp, like a dagger thrusting into the heart.

★Actually, he didn't care about the money she took away, and didn't care if she was a murderer. These are just rhetoric, he is struggling between social people and natural people, being devoured step by step by the pain of tearing. What she took away was the meaning of his survival. He followed every trace of her passing madly, in fact, looking for a reason to keep himself alive. The pain and fear of losing her suffocated him.

★If someone says that venting sexual desire reluctantly is the way to solve pain, then he is just an orc, not a natural person. He also tried to paralyze himself, alcoholism, and chaos, but all of this didn't work at all, he still felt pain in his chest that it was difficult to stand. So he woke up suddenly in the dirty bed of the prostitute. If he couldn't prove it by survival, then he would prove it by death. This is not accidental, but inevitable. The devil can't hide his pride at this time, and he once again defeated God.

★He discards all doctrines, principles of good and evil, and allows him to be driven by his inner nature. He is not evil, but the devil gave him a key to hell. Whether he lost his mind and used a gun to withstand her threats to kill her, or he violently threw her to the ground, she hadn't really been afraid, because she knew that what he wanted was not revenge, but her. She was just provoking, to see if he dared to face herself, when he told her that she could barely breathe without her, and she couldn't live without her, she thought she was victorious.

★Since everything has been revealed, everything is willing to do so. Money, status, security, dignity, all of which add up to the truth of life and the joy of rebirth are so insignificant. Even when he knew she was poisoning the coffee, he would pour it down his throat without hesitation. The two people sitting at both ends of the table were calm and determined at this time, but she began to panic and fear. He has found his fate, and she has only just begun to find out. The wheel of fate turned, and this time it was his turn to open her life.

★This road finally leads to heaven. Original sin cannot be redeemed. Unless you find such a person, you are the key to each other's lives.

★No matter how smart a woman is, she will fall in love with a "silly" man. After being deceived again and again, Antonio remained obsessed with no regrets, until finally he bravely drank the cup of lethal ecstasy soup. Of course, this seemingly stupid behavior has received miraculous effects. Overly smart women will only fall in love with stupid men. Antonio's affectionate behavior proved to Angelina that he was stupid enough to be entrusted for life.

Every time you comprehend a feeling, you will have an extra scar on your body. Love is sometimes unreasonable. Because of love, you would rather believe in the good side; because of love, you know that it is betrayal, but you are still obsessed with it; because of love, you fully give and have the courage to be deceived and hurt so that you will not regret it; because of love , You are willing not to ask for anything in return; because of love, you achieve yourself. And said to myself, any results, I admit it!
The ending of the movie was surprising, and it was a perfect ending. It is estimated that what the director wants to express is not the result but the feelings he wants to convey to the audience during the whole process.

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Extended Reading
  • Myron 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    There is no fear and deceit in love, only for granted - when you love

  • Deontae 2021-12-22 08:01:42

    At the end of the dogtail, Julia played tricks as soon as the pastor left and she would directly subtitle her. The whole story was her original sin.

Original Sin quotes

  • Julia: No this is not a love story, but it is a story about love. About those who give in into it, and the price they pay. And those who run away from it, because they are afraid, or because they do not believe they're worthy of it. She ran away. He gave in.

  • Colonel Worth: You're about as French as my asshole!