----------Your god--------- no, it's your god

Jackie 2021-12-28 08:01:28

The brilliance of this film is that it does not put theism and atheism as extreme opposites.
The film initiates a struggle through an atheist demanding compensation from religion and clergy. It should be noted that he targets more commercialized religions and corrupt and greedy clergy. This position is obviously compromised and wise. In India Such a religious power not only has Buddhism, but the larger religious forms are Hinduism, Islam, and Sikhism. If atheism is directly and coldly placed in front of believers, it will obviously cause disaster and dissatisfaction. In the film, a The true god helped the protagonist defeat the corrupt clergy, not the true god. It not only resolved the contradiction between religious beliefs and atheists, but also expressed people’s dissatisfaction with commercialized and economical religions and temples. And the yearning for the pure original intention of the faith at the beginning.
Does God need to give a clear answer? The important thing is that in this era of increasingly poor faith, we need a kind of strength and faith in our hearts.
This film is definitely a milestone work of 2012 Indian film. It is worthy of our respect and reflection that such a work that discusses religious beliefs can appear in such a religious country.

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Extended Reading
  • Grayson 2022-03-28 09:01:06

    The 2012-2013 New Year's Eve movie is a wonderful movie, Kamisama, don't be too stylish, okay?

  • Summer 2022-03-30 09:01:05

    Idols are a guise to deceive beliefs, and religious groups are liars who make money in the name of gods. If you can't see through the body, you won't be able to see the real belief.

OMG: Oh My God! quotes

  • Leeladhar Maharaj: [as a mob surrounds the court building] You may escape safely from here as it's a court premises. How will you escape from them?

  • Krishna Vasudev Yadav: [dropping Kanji off at a street corner] Go straight then left, then right, then left, and your house will be next.

    Kanji Lalji Mehta: If you can drop me here then you can drop me at my house.

    Krishna Vasudev Yadav: My job is to show the way. It's your job to find destiny.