Movie version or something...

Neoma 2021-12-23 08:01:39

Movies are different from books. I always feel that movies are just to kill time and satisfy the visual senses. Although I know the original work is good, but I haven't had much time to watch the film directly, so I can't compare the two. I can only write a little bit about the embarrassing state of watching a movie.

I don’t know what the director’s intentions are. In the film, Anton has been in a drunk state after encountering the witch incident. It is not that he is really drunk, but the whole person has been shaking and staggering as if stepping on. It's like cotton. Or maybe the director wants him to be in the gap between the unreality and the real world? When I saw him like this, I kept thinking, is it okay for this person to be like this? It seems that he is about to roll to the side of the road to fall asleep! He is completely insecure. Is it because he is still in the "hero" development period? I really hate this kind of performance. Slimy and uneasy. Plus, the subtitled version that I watched is in Cantonese, which makes me feel bad. (I want to read the normal mandarin ah TAT)

Then Anton went to the next door to borrow blood and was allergic to pig blood (Hey!) Then he entangled Xiao Zhengtai on the subway... It felt like a perverted stalker uncle, embarrassing and charming . Is it different from sexual harassment like "bite your ears" the drunk says, ah, ah, this actor looks pretty when he wears sunglasses, his words and deeds are too awkward! (Speaking of Anton’s opposite guy and Xiaozheng Taiyan as a key figure are also good.)

Anton feels cute when he teases an owl. But... wrapping the owl (female) in a fresh-keeping bag and stuffing it in the it in the original book? ? When he knew Xiao Zhengtai was his son, the expression was also very...wonderful.

Um. The whole film has a fatalistic tone of karma.

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Extended Reading
  • Jevon 2022-04-21 09:02:42

    A strong sense of atmosphere, another heavy

  • Janae 2022-03-27 09:01:11

    The concept is novel, the special effects are sturdy, and some plots are bloody. Watch carefully when eating.

Night Watch quotes

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: Since the time immemorial, the knights who call themselves the Warriors of Light have been chasing witches and sorcerers who torture humans.

  • [last lines]

    Narrator: Thus the Great one appeared who chose Evil's side. And according to legend, he is the one destined to plunge the world into Darkness. But as long as there are those who believe in Light, hope is still here.