Gentleman's Age

Freddy 2021-12-23 08:01:38

Some people may say that I am petty bourgeoisie or the legacy of the old society is too deep-
I stubbornly think that I shouldn't exist in this era-nostalgia loves the temperament of old Shanghai, loves the elegant etiquette of the French court, loves the noble gentlemen The temperament-holding the cane and gently pressing the towering top hat and leaning slightly-elegant and mysterious.

And-the nobleman in this era is dead.

The Cultural Revolution seems to have subverted too much.
People's appreciation of beauty, requirements for etiquette, etc.-
Shanghai has continued to improve in recent years, and many men seem to have some awareness.
Knowing that it is shameful to spit and throw things everywhere—
knowing that women should drive the door, and that they should hold the elevator door when the elevator arrives.
Knowing that I should share the burden
for women with heavy objects — knowing that I should open seats for women —
knowing that women should go first when walking —

I am not advocating any feminist movement.
It's just that you have more of these behaviors, and your value will be different in the eyes of girls. Why not do this?
Of course, I have also met some friends who said straightforwardly: "I'm a native farmer, there won't be so many that don't exist. A man just wants MAN!"
There is nothing you can do if you want to be indecent. What can i say?
How man
are you man?
In the eyes of a girl, it is nothing more than a vulgar man-a man who doesn't know how to understand others.

Comparing your heart to heart-Are you willing to go out with a gentlemanly man, or a vulgar and tasteless man?

Only after watching a film "Casanova"

, the background of the story took place in 1753-Venice-the

plot I really I don’t want to repeat it-or friends who want to read it, download it by themselves-
what fascinates me is-
From dress to gesture, the men of that period showed the grace that nobles should

have-lace cuffs-ornately decorated brocade coat-black cloak and
men's high heels-exaggerated and huge gem ring on the tail finger.
The etiquette of extending the arms and bending the knees when paying tribute—
the white gloves that fell on the opponent's face during the duel—
the elegant posture of holding a sharp sword and waving.

And the masks at the carnival ball-the flirtation with women.

Casanova is almost a household legend in Europe. There are many adjectives before the name, such as an excellent spy, a famous diplomat, a versatile writer, an energetic adventurer, a bohemian lover... He represents a kind of Lifestyle, a rash life. Casanova's life is wonderful and full of legends. The most amazing thing is that he has no background, but he can win honor and power with his own personal charm in every place. He spent 13 years in French and wrote the huge book "Memoirs", which is 4,000 pages long, and describes his European adventures in detail. Among them are descriptions of love and love with many women, as well as associations with princes, nobles, and cultural celebrities. The testimony left first-hand information for future generations to study the vientiane of European society in the 18th century.

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Extended Reading
  • Manley 2021-12-23 08:01:38

    I want to watch a movie about the legendary character Casanova. This is too fairy tale. I don’t think it’s like the life that Casanova chose.

  • Kaia 2022-03-27 09:01:11

    "Good women are cultivated by hooligans, and there will be true love there. He teaches them to live unrestrainedly, teach them how to love, and teach them little by little: love is pleasure, not suffering." I don't like the heroine, this woman is too boring, not worthy of Heath Ledger's prodigal son and lover. BTW, men's white shirts in period make them really sexy!

Casanova quotes

  • Pucci: Heresy is what *I* say it is.

  • Andrea: This is the last time I travel coach!