
Gaston 2021-12-24 08:01:38

I don't know why the movie name "Stealth" is translated into "intelligent killing machine". stealth, the original intent was a secret operation. In this movie, the covert operation is not only referring to the smart fighter plane, but perhaps as Colonel George said in the film, "Edi is the focus", so it becomes a "smart killer."

First of all, I still want to say that the scenes in this movie are very shocking, but some of the pictures fly too fast, making people dizzy. It stands to reason that such a movie's box office can't be far worse. I have to admit that I like it very much. But it is said that the box office of this movie was bleak and lost.

1. Killing can be understood as a killing plane, and it can also be understood as a killing crisis. In fact, the real murder comes from people, not airplanes. The killing aircraft is a big problem, but not the biggest problem. In order for Colonel George to succeed in the smart aircraft project he worked so hard to manage and win political costs, despite opposition, he insisted on letting Edi follow the Eagles to carry out the mission. As a result, Edi was out of control and something big happened. Then Colonel George sent someone to assassinate his subordinate Ben in order to erase his fault. Such an unsentimental person is better off than Edi, who finally became affectionate and righteous.

2. Ben’s words: "War is not a fight." It’s right. If a fight becomes a fight, it’s really trivial, because you don’t have to be responsible for killing someone by a fight. You can start a fight at any time. If you want to stop it, stop. ; Fighting but not working.

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Extended Reading
  • Daija 2021-12-24 08:01:38

    More general science fiction films

  • Ryley 2022-04-20 09:01:56

    The stunts are not bad, the plot is too pale and Eddie's voice is quite magnetic. . .

Stealth quotes

  • Lt. Ben Gannon: You know what i think?

    Lt. Henry PurcellLt. Kara WadeLt. Ben Gannon: Don't think drink!

  • Lt. Ben Gannon: Look, we have things those computers can never have like instincts and feelings and moral judgment. You can call me old-fashioned, you can call it whatever you want but I just don't think that in war the action should ever be divorced from the consequences.