The prince met in life, even though he doesn't belong to him

Velda 2021-12-23 08:01:31

I looked at it and saw it turned into a romantic animation. There are many shots in it that make people laugh. For example, the fat man pouted and said "Ai Xian", and finally when the baron said goodbye and Xiaochun broke up, a Xuan's body took a 360-degree leap. ~~~I
think it’s much better than that of Chihiro Chihiro, that movie is just a ghost movie...
The Xiaochun described is a silly young self, a little dream that many girls have had before~~
So A fantasy experience, a cool and handsome prince... In the end, although I regret to say goodbye, but the change has appeared in the corners of the eyes and brows, so the little girl has already had amorous feelings in her gestures...
This is the story of every girl , Every girl’s fantasy, turned into a movie, can make us feel time and time again...

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Extended Reading
  • Mandy 2021-12-23 08:01:31

    The gentleman cat is so handsome!

  • Aaliyah 2022-03-27 09:01:11

    I have always fantasized about stepping on the sandy surface, frothing in the afternoon black tea in the bicycle pocket, and listening to the wind's memorabilia in the mottled sunlight. I won't be able to carry people, or I'll take a black long straight female human behind it (the mother-in-law is also a husband), then it will be considered perfect. This is called self.

The Cat Returns quotes

  • The Baron: If you find yourself troubled by something mysterious or a problem that's hard to solve, there's a place you can go where you always find help. You just need to look for it.

  • Haru: [Haru sits down on a lawn chair in a cafe, and a squishing/meowing noise is heard. She shrieks and jumps up] A cat... a FAT cat!