Ye San's Touching the Darkness

Hal 2021-12-26 08:01:39

Ye San's plot is terrible, and the movie is terrible.
Tyson can't afford to fight for three minutes, and Yen Zidan's fast and feeble false moves are far inferior to Ye Yi. On the contrary, Ye Yi has a good plot. It is precisely because of Ye Yi that Ye San’s shameless continuation of the fabrication is completely revealed...
But this is not the point. The bad movie is no longer worthy of my complaint. I'm not talking about movies, but Ip Man.
Ip Man, master of Wing Chun, master of martial arts. He promotes Chinese martial arts and deserves the respect of any Chinese. Although his martial arts is not first-class in reality, he is low-key and worthy of respect. However, his martial arts were used as commercial myths, not only that, but also myths to tamper with his history! What if you make Ye Wen the number one in the world? This is not true, nor is it a compliment, but a master in the dark.
As everyone knows, Master Ip Man is very low-key!
If you can't create good works by yourself, tamper with some real masters? Think about the four masterpieces of China, and then look at the Dragon Balls of the island country, and the Hollywood Terminator Matrix, Potter, etc. Why did the predecessors and others create such good works? Now that China can't create good works, it is necessary to tamper with those real heroes or ancient masterpieces?
Ip Man is a master worthy of respect, not a master of myths!
The Monkey King in ancient China, the Goku from the island country, and the Saint Seiya, and various Hollywood blockbusters in Europe and the United States. These imaginative works can no longer be made in China?
Bruce Lee's real materials have caused a sensation in the world and are highly respected by all countries in the world. These real deeds are worthy of China to carry forward and explore, but some people praise the unreal deeds of the real person, Master Yip Man!
Ye Yi is a very good movie, and Ye San is a movie that touches the black Ye Wen!

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Extended Reading
  • Casey 2021-12-26 08:01:39

    Zhang Jin and Ye Wen can't always get along! The first generation master is a villain, and Ye Man 3 is also a villain, and he has a relationship with Ye Wen's honey. I like the master a little bit more, this one gives an average score.

  • Major 2022-03-21 09:02:29

    It's well made, not bad, the problem is it's boring. After avoiding the patriotic dog complex, there was no effective dramatic conflict. The hatred was inexplicably drawn, and the solution was perfunctory. Fighting Tyson and Zhang Jin was not a life-and-death battle. Every time Zhang Jin appeared on the stage, the little deer collided in my heart. From Slay Polang 2 to Ye Wen 3, the little king of stealing dramas is really going to heaven, and I will see who will dare to ask you to play the second male lead in the future.

Ip Man 3 quotes

  • Cheung Wing-sing: Why'd God make women pretty but dumb?

    Cheung Wing-sing: They're pretty, so men will like them.

    Cheung Wing-sing: They're dumb, so they will like men.

  • Ip Man: Not bad. But did you really kick that water, or only think you did?