History cannot be obscene

Milo 2021-12-25 08:01:29

It can be seen that Zhang Yimou's "Thirteen Hairpins in Jinling" really did everything possible to move us, but unfortunately, in the 145 minutes of watching the film, I almost never entered the movie.

Perhaps the problem is that the design of the whole film is too heavy: it happened that a group of prostitutes and a group of students hid in a church at the same time (prostitutes, virgins, churches, what a magical combination, a combination of heavy flavors and small freshness, and it is still a church) ; And it happens that there is a foreign "encouragement teacher" who can make-up can disguise them; it just so happens that at the last minute the number of prostitutes and students is only one difference; and it just so happens that there is a little boy who is in the church who is willing to stand up and disguise themselves as women; It even happened that the Japanese somehow gave John a "beckoning cat" as a "consolation", so when the prostitute who loves cats, "little mosquito", finally cried and flinched when getting in the car, John happened to be able to "call The "Cai Mao" was handed to her... Moreover, many emotional changes appeared too abrupt: a profit-only "Encourager" suddenly became righteous when the Japanese army was about to rape a female student; she was originally looked down upon by the female student and even had a relationship with her. The prostitutes grouped together by the students are actually willing to die for the female students. Of course, I am not discriminating against prostitutes. There are quite a few patriotic and affectionate prostitutes in history, but it might make me feel a little credible that a prostitute came forward. It seems a bit funny that a group of prostitutes "grouped" to die generously. NS. Perhaps Zhang Yimou wanted to say that war can wash a person's soul, but he exaggerated the "detergent" effect of war. According to this logic, there will be a few more wars, and all people will become saints. Zhang Yimou obviously wants to play the "humanity card", so in this film, the "second-rate" have humanity, prostitutes have humanity, traitors have humanity, and even Japanese officers seem to have a bit of humanity, but the result of "humanity overflowing" It is true love devaluation.

There are many unreliable places in the film. It is possible for the cardamom to see the wounded soldier Pu Sheng like her younger brother and feel love and affection, but after Pu Sheng died, she risked her death and ran with Pandan in order to play a song for him. Going back to the Cuixi Building to get the strings, and the reason why Pandan ran out with them was even more absurd. It was just to get a pair of earrings. Seeing her self-appreciation of the mirror, I heard the audience behind me say: "She has a real heart. It's big!" Zhang Yimou wanted to show their pursuit of love and beauty, but they seemed too deliberate. What makes people more suspicious is how they escaped while being guarded by the heavily guarded Japanese army? If they can escape, others can't? And I don't believe that even if John is the "Entire Infant", it is impossible to just put makeup on the person lying down, this is just a need for a sex scene. Moreover, letting the prostitutes lie in a row waiting for makeup is nothing more than a deliberate gimmick created by Zhang Yimou in order to create a visual effect and his own unique aesthetic taste.

It can be seen that Zhang Yimou is too eager for quick success. He can't wait for this film to contain eroticism, violence, humanity, patriotism... none of them are missing, but unfortunately, he just forgot to be sincere and sincere to art. I also forgot my sincerity to history.

There is a joke in "Laughing Lin Guang Ji": There is a woman who chooses a match, suitable for two families, and the boss is ugly and rich, and Xi Jialang is beautiful but poor. The parents asked whom he wanted. The female said: "Two tanks (both are OK)." Asking the reason, she replied: "I love to eat at the east house, and go to sleep at the west house." Zhang Yimou is guilty of this problem. He wants art and the box office. , I want to impress my soul with the human nature of war, and I want to use eroticism and innocence to seduce my eyes. Of course, these are not impossible to have both, but the problem is that Zhang Yimou’s handling is obviously too jerky, quite a bit of the overlord’s stubborn bow, so we can see that there is neither pleasure nor climax. We can only see Zhang Yimou’s heart. There is more than enough.

I read "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" on this day, just before the 120th anniversary of Mr. Hu Shi’s birth. Mr. Hu Shi once said: "...In short, it is a reality that we have transformed ourselves. This reality contains countless man-made elements. . She is really a very obedient girl, she is obediently scribbled and dressed up for her by us..." This sentence was later interpreted as: "History is a little girl who is free to dress up", and Zhang Yimou She was even more capable, and she simply dressed history as a prostitute like a little girl, and she was still put on makeup by an "encourager".

But the problem is that some history cannot be obscenity, especially obscenity with such a heavy taste. You can set up an archway for a bitch, but you can't treat history as a bitch.

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Extended Reading
  • Elizabeth 2021-12-25 08:01:29

    I don’t understand psychology, and I dare not say whether compassion can be a kind of "enjoyment" that stimulates the senses, but watching the pain of others and the sighs, sorrows and even hatred caused by it are indeed the most superficial aesthetic feeling of "good-looking" Include it. Pleasure is no longer the single feeling that the audience expects when they walk into the movie theater. "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is obviously a "good-looking" movie that pinches painful points.

  • Rylan 2022-03-27 09:01:12

    It's another story under that gloomy sky in 1937. The direct and brutal picture in the first half highlights the brutality of the massacre, and the second half shows the kindness of human nature through the depiction of specific characters. It can be regarded as a sincere work by Laomouzi in recent years, but several scenes including Bell's bed scene are still obvious commercial selling points... The ending is subtle and well handled. The stained glass transition of the church is very beautiful. Bell shaved his beard and said he was so handsome~

The Flowers of War quotes

  • Yu Mo: Maybe with your help, I can save them.