Morality holds life

Rickey 2021-12-25 08:01:29

This is one of the very few movies I saw at the end of the movie theater and didn't want to leave after watching the subtitles. In fact, when "Qin Huai Jing" sounded and a row of women dressed up and walked out side by side, they had already reached the limit of my tolerance. This side by side should only appear when the four great talents of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" appear on the stage.

Western psychology has a question that tests human nature. Six children were playing on the railway, five were on the main road, and one was on the fork road when the train came. Should the switchman steer the train to the side road and use the life of one innocent child in exchange for the survival of five other children? The choice between 1 and 5 seems obvious, but the essence of this dilemma is whether we can act as God to judge the lighter and heavier life. Even in the face of 5 lives, the value of 1 life cannot be questioned.

And our movie tells us that 12 pure girls are on the main road, and 12 dusty girls are on the side road, and it’s so tragic to steer the train to the side road.

For this, I just want to scold my mother, go to your strong arms, go to your chastity memorial, go to your hypocrisy.

Some people say that prostitutes are voluntary. Is each really voluntary? Even if we go back to the text of the movie itself, not every one of them has expressed their views. Yumo first put forward a lofty moral proposition. We have been looked down upon for thousands of years, and today we are also heroic. The good sisters responded with them, and the top players all expressed their opinions. Even if the remaining little sisters were unwilling, they couldn't say anything, otherwise they would appear to be morally backward. As a result, the lives of 12 people were decided by a few people.

This is where I hate Confucian culture the most. I use morality as a guise. Once something rises to the height of morality and someone else does it, I can’t help but do it, even if it’s a matter of sacrificing my life. Otherwise, even if you live, you can only be cast aside by the world.

What's more, in reality, such a proposal may not have been made by the Jade Mos on their own initiative, but rather they were held hostage by the group. If there are not only students and prostitutes in the church, but also sad mothers, angry teachers, and even leaders who are good at agitating, it is not difficult to imagine that some kind of request from the outside will be imposed on the jade inks. This kind of request will be deliberate. Make a very embarrassing appearance, but it will be clearly expressed, and it will be rendered incomparably noble by the power of the group. But this is actually a kind of pseudo-sublime, because doing it is sublime, and not doing it is not ordinary, but despised by others. As a result, the Yumos had no choice but to be driven to the shelves by ducks.

"Business women don't know the hatred of subjugation, and they still sing the flowers of the backyard across the river." This is the hypocrisy of using the weak to express the strong and intense when frustrated. "Sacrifice you and save the children" is the hypocrisy of sacrificing others to save one's own interests in times of crisis.

And where these children are pure, they know exactly what they will face if they go. But as soon as the prostitutes said to go for them, they wanted to refuse and accepted. Pretending to be innocent and asked the pastor, would the Japanese army rape them? In this way, their conscience can be peaceful. I called my sister and gladly accepted the gift of life from the other side. If you think that prostitutes can get out of their bodies, what about the little boy who is as pure as you? He clearly went to die.

At this point, I don’t hate Zhang Yimou that much, even though he made a movie that I hate very much, and the reason for the hate is that he did not forget the story of Gao Daquan that conformed to the mainstream ideology. Embellish all the ugliness, hypocrisy, and unbearableness into every detail.

"There's no place here. Go somewhere else to hide."

"I think it's your dad. If it's not your dad, she won't die."

"No wonder there is no ship. It turns out that your dad is a traitor.

" I know to hide in the cellar."

"I don't know what happened to them, and I don't know their names."


a nation that is faced with a disaster and does not really care for each other, but will only blame each other and fail to show that they are strong and fierce. Maybe Will repeat the same mistakes. I hope it doesn't happen.

Finally, I want to say, Zhang Yimou, Zhang Yimou, you still can’t get rid of your inferior aesthetics. If you have fewer scenes of swaying breasts and fat buttocks cheongsam in this movie, maybe a few years later, this movie will be rediscovered and become a great movie.

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Extended Reading
  • Waino 2022-03-27 09:01:12

    Unlike the Holocaust or Holocaust movies discussed earlier, the war is more of a backdrop. The film emphasizes a touch of warmth in the cold, or the return of humanity in despair. It's a pity that I always feel that the progress of the story is too gentle and very depressing, and my emotions are not released. It lacks the propulsive force of the plot, and it will feel boring after watching it for a long time. However, there are a few slow-motion freehand brushwork that is well handled. Yumo's actor Ni Ni should be able to become popular.

  • Domenick 2022-03-26 09:01:08

    Really good. cried a lot.

The Flowers of War quotes

  • Yu Mo: Maybe with your help, I can save them.