Mysterious neurotic

Lionel 2021-12-22 08:01:12

Polanski's "Cold Blood Cry" is one of my favorite movies. The movie successfully expresses emotions such as neuroticism, unknown fear, and claustrophobia. What's more unique is that the film is only a display of emotions, and no further interpretation is attempted. The openness of the work makes people imagine unlimited.

In his short story "Mountains Like White Elephants", Hemingway took the form of line drawings to quickly and delicately describe the conversation of a pair of lovers, but there is no introduction to the stories before and after the conversation. This is like taking a section of the protagonist's life at random for display, so it has an open imagination and an unexplainable sense of mystery, allowing readers to fill in the blanks involuntarily from the few words. Yes, the white space of Chinese landscape painting has a similar effect. And Polanski's "Cold Blood Cry" is the same, extracting the process of Carlo's collapse, and expressing his emotional changes to his heart's content. The cause and destiny of Carlos is what the audience imagined. This is superior in form.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a close-up of eyes, the staring of the character on the screen, which makes the audience feel uneasy, and this is the best time to express Carlo's nervousness. So indifferent eyes, expressionless face, and nervousness about the bridge of the nose all give an overview of Carlo's situation; followed by further characterization of the performance of cleanliness (feet washing, rejection of sister boyfriend’s toothbrush, kiss to boyfriend Disgust), fascination with cracks, indifference to work, etc. all strengthen the mood of the movie.

After finishing his emotions, the director pressed the collapse switch. In a claustrophobic solitary environment, Carlo's neuroticism can get rid of the shackles of daily life. She began to think wildly, gradually had fantasy, her reason gradually disappeared, and she killed the two men uncontrollably. Carlo's collapse, the director cleverly selected potatoes and rabbit meat as reference objects. The sprout of potatoes and the corruption of rabbit meat just reflect the degree of Carlo's loss of control.

The audience is most interested in Carlo's "cause", but unfortunately the movie has not explained it, and the audience can only interpret it freely. While Carlo is obsessed with men's cleanliness, he is curious about her sister's sex life, and has a certain interest in the underwear and bedding worn by her sister, and even fantasizes about being sexually assaulted. These clues all show that Carlo has an ambiguous attitude towards sex. Since it is normal to be interested in sex, why are you so disgusted with men? The film lens has been aimed at the childhood Carlo in the photo several times, with the same indifferent expression, which shows that neuroticism has begun in childhood. In the photo, Carlo did not look directly at the camera, but instead looked at the middle-aged man on his left (father?), so he had to doubt him and his father? The relationship between, considering the rejection of men and the fantasy of being sexually assaulted, Carlos is very likely to be fathered? Violated by elders. As for the razors and cracks that have appeared many times in the movie, the author believes that they are symbols of male sex and female sex, respectively, and Carlo's psychology can be initially imagined.

Although the audience is keen to interpret and try to find the truth, it is the unspeakable mystery that makes the film's charm and expresses the fear of the unknown so permeatingly. This is the work's success.

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Extended Reading
  • Alberto 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    Psychoanalytic works with clinical nature, closed individuals in claustrophobic space, imaginary persecution, terminal amplification of fear, unconscious crime... The first half of the slow or even suffocating rhythm instantly introduces horror elements, impact force Extremely strong. In addition, the human hand sticking out of the crack in the wall is a really good design, it's amazing. Polanski used fear and sin to excavate human nature all his life, and he was indeed more sharp and cold in the early days.

  • Nathaniel 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    9.0/10. ①A woman gradually became more and more misogynistic and mentally broken for various reasons, and in the process she killed several men who were close to her. ② Imaging techniques to render the horror atmosphere: high-level photography (light and shadow/composition); various horrific images and fragments (the distorted face of the heroine on the kettle, rotting rabbit meat, sprouting potatoes, cracks in the wall, softening The wall, countless hands that drilled out of the wall, etc.); the ticking and gasping of the clock in a quiet environment; the less dramatic narrative rhythm (which fits the content of the depressing story); precise and skilled camera movement / mise-en-scène; Very nice soundtrack. ③ The heroine's psychological change curve is vague.

Repulsion quotes

  • Carol: I'm having dinner with my sister.

    Colin: Is she a good cook?

    Carol: I never even thought about it.

    Colin: Well, at least it can't be any worst than fish and chips.

    Carol: I think we are having rabbit.

    Colin: Rabbit? Oh. I thought they'd all been killed off.

    Carol: No. She has a friend.

    Colin: A rabbit?

    Carol: No, I think the friend has rabbits.

    Colin: Poor bunny.

  • Michael: [bells heard clanging from the convent next door] You'd think they'd have something better to do than clang away like that all the time.

    Helen: It's worst when they start doing it at midnight.

    Michael: I wonder what they ring it for anyway? Perhaps they have wild parties! Maybe they'll invite me sometime.