
George 2021-12-25 08:01:40

The feature of this movie is that people acquainted with each other to play a small-cost movie together.
Like a big party.
I can't tell the specific content of the story.
However, the film reflects the current situation in the United States but it is also very true.
This is the case in the United States.
It's no surprise what happened.
Especially the kind of relationship problems between people.
The divorce of the Chinese couple has become the kind of old-fashioned incompatibility.
After the divorce, there are still very few friends.
So many children in China are growing up in a deformed environment.
There is no shortage of family for a child.
Lack is love.
So is this society.

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Extended Reading
  • Frederic 2022-03-27 09:01:12

    Seeing such a low rating, I have to wonder if my laugh is too low

  • Ona 2022-04-22 07:01:40

    Great title, and an all-star cast that is incredibly harmonious and hilarious. Who said such a relaxed and warm family film is not beautiful?

The Big Wedding quotes

  • Alejandro: My mom is Jbuddist, which is Jewish slash Buddhist, and my father thinks that organized religion is for...

  • Jared: I can't believe I'm being cock blocked by my own mother.