
Federico 2021-12-21 08:01:12

The famous surrealist works, the crazy experiments of the surrealist film master Bunuel and the surrealist painter Dali, countless praises and interpretations continue to this day for almost 100 years. It is conceivable that this film is rich in elements and information The degree and the impossibility of complete interpretation. Surrealist images often appear in experimental images or avant-garde images, showing the openness and diversity of film art, as well as the possibility of personal expression. The narrative logic and rules of mainstream movies or genres are not applicable or even rejected here. Otherwise, why would most independent film festivals list "experimental units" separately? This kind of creative and pioneering experimental images are almost all works with a relatively small audience, because not many people want to watch a movie that is completely incomprehensible. After all, most people just take watching movies as entertainment and leisure activities. That's all, this is actually true. In this context, "An Andalu Dog" can be talked about so far, and it has been used for research and teaching by a large number of film academies, which shows its greatness. Among them, the picture of the razor cutting the eyeball is extremely famous and classic. This picture strongly echoes the picture of the dark clouds floating over the moon in the night sky, both of which make the light disappear. This is also a textbook expression of montage. Hands covered with ants, corpses of donkeys tied to two pianos dragged by men, hands severed by crowds on the street, men kneading and assaulting women’s breasts, with a skull pattern on the back at the end Moths, these elements seem to be images of Buñuel and Dali's reshaping the nightmare, concrete symbols of fear, subconsciousness, or scary and awakening passages that have appeared in dreams. Bunuel seems to be very keen to use his hands to suggest or symbolize. For example, in his later sound film "Angel of Destruction", the crowd trapped in the house, one of the women’s bags showed chicken feet... ...

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  • Jamar 2022-03-25 09:01:10

    I don't want to pull the film and analyze the so-called metaphors of each frame, I just want to experience it as a bizarre dream, and I can see that all the things that are deliberately depicted do not exist. In fact, from visual impact to hearing to the appearance of elements different from the social ideology at that time, mixed with absurdity, these are enough to achieve the satisfaction of perception. Every dream is a new enlightenment, and the existence of classics is always specific and historical

  • Will 2022-04-24 07:01:14

    It's a bit esoteric and hard to understand, but it's the most avant-garde depiction of psychological human nature, not to mention that France has reached such a height in 29 years, there are some on Youku, and it's hard to find downloads