[Cow herding class in spring] Weekly limited film viewing group-"Blood-sworn Five"

Josue 2021-12-28 08:02:27

"Money can confuse people, even old friends are not necessarily reliable"

There are too few new films recently, and the market is a bit sluggish, but on the 12th, the famous black director Spike Lee landed on Netflix with his new works. Then this week’s weekly limit will let us share his latest works. "Blood Oath Five"

I have limited writing and knowledge, so please don't spray if you don't like it, thank you.

The release of this movie at this point in time is really a combination of current affairs. Those who have seen Spike Lee’s work must have been impressed by the strong and profound political views in his work. This is reflected in his famous work "Do It As It Should Be" It’s very prominent. I was really shocked after watching "Being What You Should Be". It made my eyes very bright, and it can still resonate 30 years later.

Apocalypse Now Easter Eggs in a Flash

In the latest "Blood Five", in addition to the issue of black equal rights, Spike Lee brought the topic of the Vietnam War back to the world of today's movies. The plot of this film is actually quite simple, four people The black veterans who had participated in the Vietnam War returned to Vietnam and wanted to bring back the remains of their former captain. At the same time, they were also thinking about another important event, bringing back the gold bars that were once buried in Vietnam. They did not expect to wait for them. Will be another "war"

The character in the film, let me tell you the truth, it is a group show in itself, but I feel that his character shaping is except for the die-hard Trump supporter Ball. Yes, you read it right. Trump said in the beginning. I made a cameo appearance. The other characters failed to some extent, and I didn’t establish a distinctive image in my mind. However, the character of Bauer was too wonderful, and it also obscured other people’s acting skills to some extent. Bauer and his three comrades in arms have completely different characteristics. He has a strong patriotism and a tough style, a hot temper, and a bad father-son relationship with his son. Under these characteristics, there is a hurdle in his heart that he will never pass. Although I could basically guess what it was when I watched it, I still felt very sad the moment it was announced. After all, I killed my teammate by mistake. It is really difficult to get redemption. In the second half, Bauer and everyone Parting ways, the monologue in the jungle is particularly wonderful, with a pair of eyes staring directly at the camera, as if talking to the audience, but his ending is a bit blunt, and he is forced to leave, in order to give the ending line of paternal love to his son David Reversal, this is a bit of a not-so-savvy feeling, but the flaw is not concealed, it is a small flaw.

Trump repeats his campaign slogan again

"Black Panther" Chadwick Bosman played the role of squadron leader Norman in the film. He did not play much, but he was the spiritual pillar of the other four. He was brave, righteous, fierce fighting, and caring for his brothers. I think it’s right. His shaping is similar to an ideal existence, a sensible existence, a perfect incarnation.

There is a saying, Leopard is really handsome

The black affirmative movement is a topic that has always been paid attention to. Whether in or out of the play, I am not very familiar with the historical movement. I just understand it in general, so I will focus on another topic involved in the film, which is war.

This shot is particularly good. The four people surrounded by mountains have not yet thought of the dangerous situation they are about to face.

In my eyes, war is crazy and terrifying. It is a severe devastation to human psychology. We often see those impressive characters in many classic war films. Just like I just finished watching "Apocalypse Now" recently, Marlon Brando’s Colonel Coates is such a character. When he was in that small film When the place gained the supreme power, he became more brutal and crazy. The brutal side of humanity completely overwhelmed reason. This is a very typical character creation, and there are many characters like "Sidke Bale". The image portrayal of these aborigines is very good. The oppression and anger forced them to be more violent, eye for eye and tooth for tooth. This is vividly reflected in the children. At the time I saw them killing those Japanese children. When I was with a woman, I was a bit speechless for a while. This is a typical example of the influence of the environment on the psychology of the characters. The change in their mentality and thinking under special circumstances and situations is the reason why most war films are wonderful.

I didn't expect this sentence to be a true word

Let’s go back to this movie. In fact, its battle scenes are nothing new. It’s simple gun battles and jungle battles. One thing that makes me feel particularly good. It made me discover that even after more than 40 years, the war has never stopped. , When they thought they could go back smoothly, they found that they were far more dangerous than they faced in the past, just like the leftover landmine that Eddie stepped on. What happened to them 40 years ago was played out again 40 years later. Back, quite helpless. Many people may have discovered that the appearance of the four people during the Vietnam War was exactly the same as their appearance decades later. This is what I just mentioned. For them, nothing has changed. What they have experienced decades ago will be played out again in them decades later. To a certain extent, it is quite ironic.

After the film was scored, there were quite polarized evaluations. The evaluations of group friends were mostly bad and moderate, with an average score of 5.3 points. Let’s take a look at everyone’s evaluations.

The mediocrity and predictability of the eight-point text of Yili has created more space for private goods. "Narrow-frame Vietnam War Memories" has been Paul's brain theater from the beginning. Its plot and even the effectiveness of emotional traction have been affected. The "gold rush" in the mask format (now timeline) is completely broken and separated. This is an advanced rebellion against the limitations of the era of classic Hollywood movies; and when the two formats finally meet, Spike Lee In order to break the Dimensional Wall, Paul and his demon—"Norman, who has long since passed away and existed like McGovern", arranged an embracing shot, and in the following text, I used the same audio-visual language to film the recognition of Otis and his daughter. This is the two sides of war and race. The sufferings belonging to the individual are forever confined to the past, while the pains belonging to the collective are continued into the future. A horizontal comparison of the period of "Being What We Should Be", the author of Spike Lee The expression system is absolutely not degraded

Supremacyacron 5 points Spike Lee is using his own hands to interpret what is called political correctness in today's American context, and even the cause of Martin Luther King's death is mentioned more frequently in this film. Although compared to the current American society, the perspective presented in this film can only be regarded as relatively rational. Faced with the temptation of money, the greedy nature of mankind has nothing to do with race and fate. But it seems far-fetched to be classified into war pains, and this layer of reason is only superficial. From the perspective of the phenomenon, perhaps Spike Lee did not think about how anti-war, he just wanted to be like those angry youths. Nothing more than shouting in the square.

Zhanuan's 4 minutes time and space alternate part is still okay, and other literary and martial arts are not good. However, watching this movie under the vigorous black power movement in the United States is quite memorable.

Tangerine compares this ending with the news quotes of "Black Party Members" with 5 points. Suddenly I feel that Spike Lee is using the sword of the previous dynasty to slash the officials of the dynasty, taking 30 or 40 years of Vietnam War and the 3K Party. Things come to allude to the status quo of black people today. Is it too speculative? In fact, this is still a netflix commercial film. Seeing that there are four screenwriters, I seriously doubt that many themes were added by Spike himself. Directly and simply.

The 7 points for Mr. Can’t afford to show does not ridicule racial discrimination, but rather an objective narration that restores history, especially the deliberate switching on the camera shows that he is full of sincerity. I really like the way the director speaks for the black brothers. We have our own stories to tell. We are trying to reconcile with the past and embrace the future. The friendship between the five can be felt by people of any color, ask ourselves, and have a clear conscience.

NanSLi 6 points in a broken container trying to fill up the self-indulgent words. The lengthy content put together always takes you and me away from the boring expressions that are difficult to dissolve in the past and the present, mixed with the narrative after social discourse. It seems that we can only rely on the change of the frame to conceal its weak original appearance, but the always unknown element that supports us. Those accusations were more real in the record of the photos, and the individual memories in the faded carrier were more meaningful than the planned collective empathy.

Dust of Time. 2 points are extremely disappointing. Perhaps its only advantage is that it used past racial issues and events in the first 80 minutes to comment on today's society, but even this only advantage was obtained at the expense of the rhythm of the film. The production was so crude that it was beyond my imagination. The crew was too lazy to even change the makeup for the actors. It is hard to imagine that the characters in the flashback are exactly the same as they are today.

Dong Xiao__ 6 points The black leader finally fell under the gun of his fellow blacks... Spike Lee chose not to deify the blacks, but to highlight the commonalities in human nature. This is the best way to call for equal rights. But the effect of this film is poor enough. It is too casual to say that the production level is low. The black problem, the Vietnamese problem, the gold medal, the memorial and the pot of stew, it seems that there is no focus and it is very procrastinated to shoot.

Bentu Gil 7.5 is a coincidence and coincides with the current situation of the times. Same as "Black Gangster", both deliberately subvert the protagonist status of black and white skin. Going to Vietnam to remember the war itself is a politically incorrect starting point, but in fact, Spike Lee’s ambition is to find the status of blacks in the white-supreme Vietnam War film (why were blacks forced to join the war in the past, Hollywood movies have no place?). The resulting taste is different from "Black". It is a historical cycle generated in that unjust war. The five people who returned to the bloody ground after many years were discriminated against by the descendants of the victims of the Vietnam War. The unchanging destiny in the hatred, just as the five people sang: "Is the situation really getting better?"

Curly Hairy 2.5-minute film is sponsored and broadcasted by the "Breast Act Today" column

Scoring only

HarperYug 5 points

Laughter 5 minutes at midnight

Sususususu, 6.5 points

Finally, in this turbulent moment, may the world be peaceful and peaceful out.

View more about Da 5 Bloods reviews

Extended Reading
  • Ludwig 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    The Viet Cong reciting poetry in the jungle, the original sin of the colonial family, the golden minefield, the anti-encirclement and suppression of the ancient temple; the ambiguous historical reckoning, and finally had to create a pure French villain as the enemy, a little casual

  • Pearl 2022-04-22 07:01:41

    It's still quite interesting, although walking such a golden story really doesn't fit with so many angles...

Da 5 Bloods quotes

  • David: Damn! What is that sound?

    Paul: Uh, cicadas.

    David: Cicadas?

    Paul: Yeah.

    David: They don't sound like that back home.

    Paul: We ain't home, son. We ain't home.

  • Melvin: I should shoot your crazy ass dead.

    Paul: Do it. Ain't nothing to it but to do it, Blood.

    Melvin: Don't tempt me, motherfucker.