There has never been a movie that makes me sigh with infinite emotion like it

Virgil 2021-10-18 09:29:59

Brothers, originally thought that it should be similar to our country's "I am a special soldier" and so on, so I stayed on my waiting list for more than a year. I really didn't know what movie I was watching recently, so I found this. After three days of fighting, I, watch, over, now!
Up to now, I still can’t calm down. The excitement of encountering a good movie, my reflection on war, my understanding of human nature, and my thinking about the American and Chinese spirits are rolling in my mind. Thinking too much, but don't know where to start.

Let me talk about the nurturing from childhood. As everyone commented, we learned heroic deeds such as blocking eye-catching and bombing bunker in elementary school textbooks, and the attitude of being tortured rather than being recruited. The background is basically the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Resistance against US Aggression and Aid Korea. It is characterized by advocating individual heroism. Even the ancients mentioned in history books are all national heroes. Now that we are adults, we have begun to have our own cognitive abilities, and we will no longer fully believe in everything we have been indoctrinated, and we feel very pleased. It may be due to the lack of equipment and combat effectiveness of our army in the old days. We must adopt some small means to achieve victory. Tunnel warfare like guerrilla warfare can be regarded as a Chinese characteristic.
I really don’t want to complain about our model anymore. The leaders sit tightly indoors and encourage the words to give pointers, the instructors mobilize their mouths, a certain passionate youth impulsively has a personality to outwit the enemy and make great achievements, and the sacrifices in the battle are either unknown extras. , Or it was a sacrifice that made a lot of contributions. The protagonist will never die. After the final peaceful liberation, treat the captives kindly, ,, (end)

Let’s take a look at our brother company. For the first time, I have a feeling of reluctance to finish reading, I know It only has 10 episodes, I hope to watch it slower, one episode a day, don't let such a good movie end so quickly, now I decided to make it my favorite movie of my life, eh.
The music is calm and solemn and has a texture. The opening frame of the film is like a memory, slowly presenting, and I don't want to forget it.

Part 1
training is hard, in order not to die so quickly on the real battlefield. Run it! Steed!
Part 2
Airborne in Normandy, a large group of C47s were bombarded in the sky above the gunpowder. All the paratroopers parachuted in an emergency. They had no chance to jump even if they were not easy to take. They were sacrificed before they had time to go to the battlefield. Regardless of the rank, such as the new company commander Cap. Mihamn . After landing, find the organization quickly and avoid acting alone.
By the way, I like their shots of a large wave of landing from the sky several times, just like a large number of jellyfish in the ocean world~ It’s very artistic
part 3, it’s
too fast to see, I can’t figure out a few battles. A live target in the Netherlands was really targeted. . Daniel injured his back. Sparton, the most tragic, has no food, no winter clothes, no support, and despair of annihilation. Garden plan. 4 cannons were blown up at the crossroads. The concentration camps I saw after I entered Germany were shocking, and the pictures were so real. At that time, regardless of the country, the race, the selflessness and friendship of the soldiers, and the gratitude and trust of the Jews, it was touching.
There are a total of three plots of shooting and killing prisoners of war. One is the company commander of Company D. His legend has become everyone's talk. Do you want a smoke? has become a tacit joke of Easy Company. The other is a shot of one killing three passing by. I was shocked. Shooting prisoners of war after the other party had surrendered seemed to violate international military and moral standards. Of course, they would not report their own people, otherwise they would be dragged. Military court. The last one was the final killing of a retired Nazi officer in Austria. This problem is very deep, and this topic is deliberately discussed in this film, why we fight. It’s not that Germans are bad. They are also young people who left home to join the war. They are also the sons of their parents. Some people don’t want war to happen, but it’s their bounden duty to execute orders as soldiers. They also like swimming and fishing. They may live a block away from your home. Putting aside their position, maybe everyone will be good friends. But precisely because of their different positions, they become enemies, and in the end they will have different fate of life and death. As for the issue of prisoners of war, kill them, inhumane, and don't kill them. Putting them there is also a dangerous person, and they are guilty.
When I finally arrived at the Eagle’s Nest, it was simply paradise. In the process of watching the film, as a viewer, I was like a journalist with the army, experiencing their lives, feeling their mood, and seeing decent houses living in them. When there is hot water in the bath and hot food, I feel happy instantly. When Winster announced in a very calm tone that the German army had surrendered and the war was over, he was particularly emotional.
The soldiers who suddenly idled must find their days boring, haha, they didn't accumulate enough points to go home, and the poor sacrificed one or two people here.
Winster is a person who is indifferent to fame and fortune. He is more willing to fight bloody battles with his brothers than constantly being promoted. He's a good man.
There is one more thing to say specifically, this group of people, they come from all corners of the United States, before participating in the war Some are college students who have not yet graduated, some are construction workers, and some are taxi drivers. They gather for a common peaceful desire and mission. After fighting together to victory, they separate, or go back to their previous jobs, or marry a wife and have children. Or run a small shop in a small town with your comrades. This is the simplest and purest happiness. Don't pursue too much, as long as you live plainly and safely, peace and existence are the most precious.

Truth is truth, and human nature shines.

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Extended Reading
  • Krista 2021-10-20 19:00:42

    Never too late to watch~ If I looked at it ten years ago, I don’t know any of them. Now, I see acquaintances 1. Friends of Ross 2. Brody of the land 3. Little white-collar liquor man 4. Uncle Law 5. Fringe Charlie 6. Simon Pegg 7. Mo Niang Andrew Scott 8. Danny in Hustle 9. A soft beauty 10. Pinocchio in Fairytale Town 11. Travis in Dexter 12. Old wet etc.

  • Roderick 2021-10-20 19:00:27

    The death of American soldiers is a matter of fact.

Band of Brothers quotes

  • Old Man on Bicycle: [raising his hands in the air] You've done it now, Yanks. You've captured me.

    Richard Winters: [chuckles]

    Herbert Sobel: [shouting in the background] Heigh-Ho Silver!

    Old Man on Bicycle: Would that be the enemy?

    Richard Winters: As a matter of fact... yes.

  • Richard Winters: [after a bullet ricochets off of Nixon's helmet] NIX!

    Cpt. Nixon: I'm all right! I'm all right... am I all right?

    [looking at Winters annoyed]

    Cpt. Nixon: Stop looking at me like that!