A lot of self-suggestion can't be believed

Thelma 2021-12-14 08:01:10

You are riding a bicycle. It's a bit cold or hot. It's boring, and you don't know what excuses you can find to stop. Suddenly you see a gentle curved slope in front of you. It must be cool to rush up and down, you think. So you start to accelerate, getting faster and faster, and your heart starts to throb. The cold or heat is no longer there. Yes, you noticed this. The beautiful feeling of this wind blowing hair has been gone for a long time, this A section of Xiaopo can become the joy of encounters along the way, rare, worthy of enjoyment, worthy of charge! Just like when you just learned to bike, you rushed up-there are dirty mud puddles down the slope. You can't think about it, so you have to lift your foot and rush in. Before getting out of this section, you rushed into the rubble. , Chuckle, almost shake your head off, the car crooked, you start to feel depressed, in an instant! Finally went out, and you no longer want to look back at this Xiaopo, in fact, you think, it's best to forget, damn it, don't talk about it!

This is the story told in this film. Adults are not necessarily mature people, and mature people are not necessarily better than naive people. People who are clothed in sin are not necessarily worthy of death, and a fist of justice is not necessarily worth applauding. The so-called love may not be what you expect.

I first read the trailer for the film in the "Watching Movie" magazine, but it still seems to have a different taste now. Kate Winslet is no longer the fat lady with only one look in "Titanic", her acting skills are more surprising than her body. And Patrick Wilson, told me, he was more tempting to beat him than the guy in "Fruit Candies" because he was so much like ourselves.

The only thing that puzzles me is the Chinese translation of "As a Mother". The original name must have the ambiguity of describing adults as well as children, but "as a mother" doesn't just throw this mapping on women all at once. Isn't it unfair? But perhaps, people just use the stronger contrast and reminder of responsibility of "being a mother" than "being a father" to show the theme.


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Extended Reading
  • Einar 2021-12-14 08:01:10

    In the end it was the pedophile that made me shed tears

Little Children quotes

  • May McGorvey: There are four columns of lonely women in here, and only one of lonely men. The odds are on our side. Now why wouldn't any of these women want to meet a nice person like you?

    Ronald James McGorvey: I'm not a nice person.

  • Brad Adamson: You have a nice place here.

    Sarah Pierce: You think? Yeah, Richard does pretty well for himself.

    Brad Adamson: Oh, yeah? What's he do?

    Sarah Pierce: He lies.