Encounter among thousands of people-Notes on A Scandal

Kaitlyn 2021-12-13 08:01:13

Two women, love or friendship, spied and exploited.

Also use feelings as an excuse, one is the

unrequited relationship between teachers and students, and the other is love in the name of friendship, love? like? desire? fantasy?

In the end it was all because of loneliness, just loneliness.

Feng Zhu's loneliness chased the young and moving woman with forbearance and ambiguous eyes;

while the mature and seductive woman, nakedly plunged into the embrace of the 15-year-old, trying to awaken the desolation of passion.

This is not a love story. In the story, no one has ever really loved anyone.

This is not a story that will make people laugh, but it will not make you cry either.

This is just a story that usually happens to anyone, and what I want to tell is not about this story.

I almost thought of this topic before I thought about writing down the feeling of watching this movie. When Barbara stood in front of the window upstairs, the moment she saw Sheba in the crowd for the first time; when Sheba stood on the crowded playground, the moment she glanced over the naked upper body of the 15-year-old boy stopped... this This kind of moment, even if the plot is not needed, is enough to make people feel the turbulent undercurrent of the story.

I frankly admit that it is more attractive to me than movies, and it is the look in their eyes that makes me linger in my mind.

Cate Blanchett's acting skills are undoubtedly, she has a kind of innate elegance, and melancholy, more importantly, she has a pair of very beautiful, very charming eyes, and the most outstanding is her acting skills. Undoubtedly, Cate is very good.

But in this movie, I was completely conquered by Judi Dench's eyes.

The story starts with the diary monologue of Barbara, an elderly middle school history teacher played by Judi Dench. Simple tone, ordinary life. And from the first time Barbara started chasing Sheba’s figure with her eyes, the whole story is just a stage that belongs to her alone. Looking at someone’s gaze like that, not only tells us Barbara’s love for Sheba with her eyes, I also used that look to tell me to watch this story from Barbara's world.

In the story, Barbara has never fallen in love with Sheba. She is a person who lives in her own world. This kind of person will actually not love, because no matter who, for them, it is a fulfillment of their own fantasy. Objects needed. Although her various expressions, lingering and complicated eyes, loving and admiring gaze, jealousy, resentment, revenge, comfort... When all these feelings are accurately and undoubtedly expressed in Barbara's eyes, those eyes can also be clear. Feeling that the slightest touch of Barbara is almost the coldness of watching a plaything.

According to the storyline, I should think that Barbara is a selfish, but more pathetic psychological twister, and Judi Dench uses her eyes and the thousands of words in the eyes to lead me in the whole drama for her. Worried, happy for her, nervous for her, sighed for her, and felt the emotional experience of a character with the actor.

Sigh, I am more willing to use the word drama bone on her than to praise her acting skills.

As far as Sheba is concerned, Barbara may be just a friend, an older friend who helped her and at the same time holds her deadly handle. She had never really cared about Barbara, no matter what angle it was. She has too many of her own affairs, her own worries, and her own troubles to worry about.

I like Sheba's unconsciously playing with her hair, her fragile and struggling eyes, and the picture of her riding a bicycle with a smile on her hair dancing in the wind...and in her eyes, that was put out and buried. , The little flame that has been forgotten for too long.

She thought Barbara really wanted to be friends with her. She thought that the 15-year-old student seduced her because she really loved her. She thought she could be an excellent teacher...

But there is nowhere to fail.

There is no winner in this story, everyone loses all, and new stories will always start tomorrow.

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Notes on a Scandal quotes

  • [after her affair has become public knowledge, Sheba has moved out of her home and is staying with Barbara]

    Barbara Covett: [voiceover] This last month has been the most delicious time of my life. Of course we have had our ups and downs. The pressure is intense when two women share their lives. But, oh, but what marvellous intensity it is! Circumstances are not always ideal. The swinish press, the stringent bail terms, meetings with lawyers and so on. But all things considered, we're coping admirably. In fact, gold stars abundant. The cuckold permits her to see their children once a week. Thee are usually tears and fits of teenage tantrums, too. In time she'll recognise she's just not the mothering kind, and then Barbara will be there to comfort her. Nurse, beloved friend and wise counsel.

  • [first lines]

    Barbara Covett: [voiceover of Barbara writing in her diary] People trust me with their secrets. But who do I trust with mine? You, only you.