The brilliance of humanity in blood and tears-Amistad

Kelli 2022-01-02 08:01:39

Director S Steven Spielberg is accustomed to focusing on the saddest and heaviest tasks and events in history. MoviesThis is also true. I read this history from Linda’s "I Have a Dream" a long time ago, and knew the existence of such a movie, and then I couldn’t find it for years, and finally one day in 5Q I saw it on the Internet...

Slavery and slave trade were the most cruel and bloody page in the Western world in hundreds of years. Countless men, women and children, like livestock, were kidnapped, looted, killed, and dragged. He got on a slave ship and was thrown into the sea just to save a little food or to be sick. Although the footage in the movie has mosaics, it still makes people feel uncomfortable. The scenes of the horrible scenes in the crying music sting to the deepest part of my heart.

In 1839, it was the eve of the abolition of slavery in the United States. People have begun to examine the slavery for many years. This behavior is contrary to the nakedness of the American spirit. The Declaration of Independence said: We believe that the following truths are self-explanatory. It is metaphorical: All human beings are created equal, and the Creator has given them several inalienable rights, including the right to life, freedom and the right to pursue happiness. That being the case, the American spirit and the original intention of establishing this country for the pursuit of equality and freedom for all have been cruelly trampled on. Fortunately, not everyone is numb.

When Shanke shouted GIVE US FREE in jerky English in court, the sun shone on the tortured black people who once lived so freely and happily on the African continent. When the young judge finally chose his conscience and was willing to give up a bright career, the gloomy courtroom became so bright.

This is an epic film that exposes the darkness and highlights the light. It is strange that such an excellent film is not well known in China, and there are very few materials and pictures. But here, I solemnly recommend it to my friends and offer it with both hands. . .

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Extended Reading
  • Alexandrine 2022-04-20 09:01:52

    The director undoubtedly has a very deep understanding of the core of the film's ideas, and at the same time he knows how to directly convey this spirit to the audience's mind and infect the audience's emotions. The film is full of the most noble civilized power of mankind, and its level of humanistic care is unparalleled in the subject matter of this angle.

  • Rusty 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    Spielberg is really good at making this kind of film that promotes the core values ​​of the United States, I totally buy it.

Amistad quotes

  • Amistad Slave #1: [in Mende] He reminds me of that Fula of Baoma, you know the one who hires himself to scrape elephant dung from the crop rows.

    Amistad Slave #2: [in Mende] A dung-scraper might be just the kind of man we need right now.

    Baldwin: [point to a map] Here, Africa? Is this where you're from? A-fri-ca?

  • Baldwin: [to the court] My clients' journey did not begin in Havana, as they claim and keep claiming more and more emphatically. No, my clients' journey began much, much further away.