Half-dream and half-awake carnival

Adelbert 2021-12-24 08:01:45

The imagination is amazing, this is the first reaction. The biggest difference between Jin Min and Hayao Miyazaki is that Miyazaki is particularly good at recreating one or countless parallel worlds outside the real world, such as the charming Sky City and Nausicaa. Jin Min particularly likes to deconstruct the book in his own way. In the world, it presents a completely different form. This has been fully proved in the previous work "The Godfather of Tokyo", and "Red Pepper" is even more so. The energy of dismembering and reorganizing the world is simply breathtaking. "Red Pepper" uses dreams as the scalpel of reality. Its power is that this knife can not only tear a whole into pieces, but also assemble these pieces as you like, your dreams and my dreams, our dreams and everything. Human dreams, even dreams and reality, can travel freely and mix and match freely. This constitutes an infinitely rich fantasy world, and all the mysticism, anarchy, relativity, and reincarnation spirit that Jinmin is obsessed with are installed, which makes the whole The film looks like a treasure chest with a sense of life. When you open any drawer, there are countless possibilities to jump out immediately and take you down on the spot. Similarly, experienced audiences will think that they have seen "Half-Dream and Half-Awake Life" and "Brain Cell Invasion" here... and even think of "The Matrix" and its Japanese origins. However, Jin Min is in this movie. The buried original energy still makes people jealous. He actually went farther than the above-mentioned film and got closer to the essence of dreams. Dreams are actually the infinite reorganization of experience in the subconscious mind. Therefore, we can actually see some experience preferences of director Jin Min, such as movie theaters. Movie theaters, playgrounds, circuses and other scenes always appear in the film. These places are always full of two types of people-performers and spectators. This makes people suspect that "Red Pepper" is actually a fusion of Jin Min's entertainment. (Especially the film) reflection; another example is the use of allusions. Not only the typical Monkey King and Pinocchio appear in the film, there are also a large number of dolls of different shapes and more obvious butterflies. The appearance of the butterfly is very reminiscent of the allusion of "Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly". We can think it superficially as the finishing touch of the film, but in fact, this alone cannot summarize the richness of the connotation of "Red Pepper". The ambiguity of the film is its greatest charm, and because of this ambiguity, we tend to feel paradoxical when watching this movie, and it is easy to feel very enjoyable while admitting that we can’t understand the movie with great regret, but If you don't understand, sometimes it makes people drunk. In addition, we have reason to believe that Hollywood is absolutely interested in remaking this movie, because it is more tempting than all current dream movies, and they have indeed tasted countless sweetness in transforming Japanese cartoons. "

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Extended Reading
  • Ernest 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    Collective unconscious is presented in the image of a drag parade, and finally the dreaming behavior that should be based on the unconscious—disorder, wireless, and infinity—turns into a parade—a sequential and conscious moving direction—and The vassal of some rational human-like collective assumption revealed behind the parade, returning the dream to a skin-like fur that is no more than decoration (dressing). This image choice itself is contradictory. While this film is the unparalleled production peak of Jin Min (Jin Min + Ando Yaji + Inoue Toshiyuki's triple carnival), it also most obviously reveals: Jin Min thinks he understands The essence of dream-making is how contrary to the real dream.

  • Jewel 2022-04-24 07:01:15

    Listening to the OST created by [Hirazawa Jin] for this film is really very emotional, as if it directly entered the picture of the alien doll parade in the movie. First of all, the movie is naturally very good at Glass, and Jin Min deserves all kinds of compliments. It is really inappropriate to deliberately belittle Nolan's "Inception" just to praise this movie. I seem to have had some of the dreams shown in the movie, and that feeling of powerlessness makes me feel extremely frightening. In addition to telling the story of the three protagonists' self-redemption, Jin Min also expressed his criticism and reflection on many current social conditions through many dreams, especially the repeated doll parades, which are very obvious, and the butterfly specimen is completely. Restricted level, it's shocking that the id under the skin is directly pulled out by hand, and the chairman who swallowed the attack in the end also reflected the backlash of desire, and the fat and greasy Tokita finally embraced the beauty and let me return to it. Sour lemon...

Paprika quotes

  • Inui Sei-jiroh: Science is nothing but a piece of trash before a profound dream.

  • Paprika: Don't you think dreams and the internet are similar? They're both areas where the repressed conscious mind vents.