Loneliness is overwhelming, this city will fall

Kenton 2021-12-13 08:01:13

Home: Stone Garden's showgirl recommendation index: five-star recommendation Reason: two top acting performers, do you need to say anything else? Basically, this is a gloomy movie. So gloomy that even Cate Blanchett's pearl-like white skin and light blonde hair can't make the tone of the film softer and brighter. Because the loneliness is too ferocious. The story says that a new art teacher in a middle school is beautiful and lonely. Soon she had a good thing with the fifteen-year-old boy in the class, but unexpectedly, she was caught by the old virgin teacher who had been coveting her, and she was used as a handle to ask for something more than friendship. Oh, look, no matter how complicated a story is, you can tell it in three sentences. It's so complicated, and it's rare that the film was shot smoothly. From the previous undercurrent surging to the subsequent turmoil, the emotions progressed layer by layer, and the actor was relaxed, able to release and retract, as natural as the tide. I haven't seen such a beautiful movie of the dark side of human nature for a long time. The art teacher's name is Sheba (Cate Blanchett). In Western history, there was a Queen of Sheba who admired King Solomon, who was extremely wise, and became a minister under her skirt. And this time in our movie, this person also has the beauty of inverting sentient beings. She is thin, slender, beautiful and unknowingly, her distracted look is especially confused—with an ignorant expression on her face, she slowly curls her fingertips around her neck and does not know what she is thinking—no doubt she is this The person is right in front of you, but she does not belong to this world. In the movie, there were photos of Sheba when she was young and frivolous. She was dressed in Gothic, her eyeshadow had heavy red lips and she was tired of sitting in the street smoking and doing everything. At the moment she is forty-one years old, her husband is already an old man, with a pair of children under her knees, one awkward and the other dumb. Probably she is not unhappy, but despair breeds in daily life and destroys people invisible. She realized that she tried her best to find a job and escaped into the crowd. Then, the fifteen-year-old boy came to pursue her, like a small animal, following around, is it love? Oh, no, but his pursuit is true, and she hasn't been pursued for many years. The story goes on like this, at best it is another "Classroom Love", but wait a minute, this is just getting started. The transitional scene was shot with coquettish and restrained: between the window, there is a woman's flat abdomen and a young boy's thin waist, and there are a pair of panic eyes peeking out of the window. Judy Dench, as long as anyone has watched 007, who would be unfamiliar with "M"? It’s really appropriate for her to play the old virgin Barbara this time. Her contemptuous thin lips, reserved London accent, and even her forehead lines, crow's feet and nasolabial lines are all interpreted. Explain this complicated and curious role. Before meeting Sheba, Barbara had destroyed a woman, and she was not afraid to destroy another, and another. At the fifty-seventh minute of the film, Barbara asked Sheba to leave her family to accompany her dying cat. She was intimidated when she mourned for failure. I saw tears still on her face, but fierceness flashed in her eyes, so I witnessed the ups and downs of human nature with my own eyes, and that feeling can only be described by the word horror. The scene is only two minutes, but it is fierce with the sword and shadow, and the confrontation between the two women brings out the dangerous atmosphere of the mountain and rain. Sure enough, immediately afterwards, the scandal was exposed. Regarding loneliness, Barbara wrote in her diary, “Sheba thinks she knows loneliness, but in fact she knows nothing - no one visits throughout the weekend, staying in the bathtub, and longing for physical contact for a long time. She accidentally touched other people’s hands and aroused the desires of the old Tibetans-she has no clue about these feelings." Oh, you must know that God did not create human beings with water and soil, but with loneliness as the main ingredient and herbs. , Swords and arrows, arsenic and roses, it is both wound and fragrance. In the wilderness of human nature, loneliness is an isolated city. Even if everyone is trapped by it, it is difficult to comfort each other, touch each other, or respond to each other. However, fortunately, there is still such a thing as "understanding" in the world, so Sheba's husband flashed around the door and let her in again. If, I mean, if he is not so old and she is not so beautiful, if he understands her earlier, or if she defected to him earlier, maybe there will be no such story, right? Time is no longer, and loneliness is imminent. On the wooden bench overlooking the entire foggy London, Barbara once again took her prey. I remember Queen Elizabeth I-the most powerful old maiden ever-called before her death, "With what I have, for a moment", but for Barbara, if she had to be alone with fear In the old age, why does that moment come and why does it come? 2007-7-27 Sure enough, immediately afterwards, the scandal was exposed. Regarding loneliness, Barbara wrote in her diary, “Sheba thinks she knows loneliness, but in fact she knows nothing - no one visits throughout the weekend, staying in the bathtub, and longing for physical contact for a long time. She accidentally touched other people’s hands and aroused the desires of the old Tibetans-she has no clue about these feelings." Oh, you must know that God did not create human beings with water and soil, but with loneliness as the main ingredient and herbs. , Swords and arrows, arsenic and roses, it is both wound and fragrance. In the wilderness of human nature, loneliness is an isolated city. Even if everyone is trapped by it, it is difficult to comfort each other, touch each other, or respond to each other. However, fortunately, there is still such a thing as "understanding" in the world, so Sheba's husband flashed around the door and let her in again. If, I mean, if he is not so old and she is not so beautiful, if he understands her earlier, or if she defected to him earlier, maybe there will be no such story, right? Time is no longer, and loneliness is imminent. On the wooden bench overlooking the entire foggy London, Barbara once again took her prey. I remember Queen Elizabeth I-the most powerful old maiden ever-called before her death, "With what I have, for a moment", but for Barbara, if she had to be alone with fear For the rest of the life, why did that moment come and why did it come? 2007-7-27 Sure enough, immediately afterwards, the scandal was exposed. Regarding loneliness, Barbara wrote in her diary, “Sheba thinks she knows loneliness, but in fact she knows nothing - no one visits throughout the weekend, staying in the bathtub, and longing for physical contact for a long time. She accidentally touched other people’s hands and aroused the desires of the old Tibetans-she has no clue about these feelings." Oh, you must know that God did not create human beings with water and soil, but with loneliness as the main ingredient and herbs. , Swords and arrows, arsenic and roses, it is both wound and fragrance. In the wilderness of human nature, loneliness is an isolated city. Even if everyone is trapped by it, it is difficult to comfort each other, touch each other, or respond to each other. However, fortunately, there is still such a thing as "understanding" in the world, so Sheba's husband flashed around the door and let her in again. If, I mean, if he is not so old and she is not so beautiful, if he understands her earlier, or if she defected to him earlier, maybe there will be no such story, right? Time is no longer, and loneliness is imminent. On the wooden bench overlooking the entire foggy London, Barbara once again took her prey. I remember Queen Elizabeth I-the most powerful old maiden ever-called before her death, "With what I have, for a moment", but for Barbara, if she had to be alone with fear For the rest of the life, why did that moment come and why did it come? 2007-7-27 Sabah I—the most powerful old maiden in history—yelled before her death, "With what I have, for a moment." But for Barbara, if she had to die alone in fear, Why did the time come at that moment, and why did it come? 2007-7-27 Sabah I—the most powerful old maiden in history—yelled before her death, "With what I have, for a moment." But for Barbara, if she had to die alone with fear, Why did the time come at that moment, and why did it come? 2007-7-27

My official account: Xiaoyao Beast

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Extended Reading
  • Jordy 2022-03-27 09:01:08

    How can Teacher Cate be so beautiful...

  • Rylan 2022-04-24 07:01:07

    Three powerful British actors are in the same scene, and they feel a bit of a thriller after seeing it, a drama film that exposes the ugly side of human nature

Notes on a Scandal quotes

  • [after her affair has become public knowledge, Sheba has moved out of her home and is staying with Barbara]

    Barbara Covett: [voiceover] This last month has been the most delicious time of my life. Of course we have had our ups and downs. The pressure is intense when two women share their lives. But, oh, but what marvellous intensity it is! Circumstances are not always ideal. The swinish press, the stringent bail terms, meetings with lawyers and so on. But all things considered, we're coping admirably. In fact, gold stars abundant. The cuckold permits her to see their children once a week. Thee are usually tears and fits of teenage tantrums, too. In time she'll recognise she's just not the mothering kind, and then Barbara will be there to comfort her. Nurse, beloved friend and wise counsel.

  • [first lines]

    Barbara Covett: [voiceover of Barbara writing in her diary] People trust me with their secrets. But who do I trust with mine? You, only you.