How to be pleased by a woman who owns the entire empire

Mae 2022-01-01 08:02:17

Can you imagine what it is to cross an ocean?

Can you imagine what it's like to cross the ocean?

For weeks, you see nothing but the horizon, perfect and empty.

All you can see for a long time is the illusory horizon

You live in the grip of fear.

You live in fear

Fear of storms.

Afraid of the storm

Fear of sickness on board.

Fear of feeling dizzy on board

Fear of the immensity.

Afraid of boundless

So you must drive that fear down deep into your belly.

You have to suppress your fear

Study your charts

Research chart

Watch your compass

Observe the compass

Pray for a fair wind.

Pray for a tailwind

And hope, pure, naked, fragile, hope.

There are hopeful, pure, straightforward, and slim hopes.

At first, it's no more than a haze on the horizon.

At first it was just a mist on the horizon

So you watch.

So you watch

You watch.

You keep watching

Then, it's a smudge.

Then smoked

A shadow on the far water.

The shadows appearing on the sea in the distance

For a day.

one day

For another day.

Another day

The stain slowly spreads along the horizon taking form,

The shadows gradually spread along the sea level

Until on the third day, you let yourself believe.

By the third day you are finally convinced

You dare to whisper the word.

You can say the word boldly

Land. Land. Life. Resurrection.

land. life. recovery.

The true adventure coming out of the vast unknown, out of the immensity,

A real adventure from the vastness of the unknown.

Into new life.

Find new life from it.

That, your majesty, is the New World.

Your Majesty, this is the New World.

I like your immensities. Your ocean is an image of eternity, I think.

I like your vastness. I think your ocean is like eternity.

Such great spaces make us small.

The vast universe makes us small

Do we discover the New World, Mr Raleigh, or does the New World discover us?

Did we discover the New World, or the New World discovered us?

You speak like a true explorer.

You want to be a real explorer.

When this conversation happened, the light in the eyes of the Great Demon made me realize that if you want to capture the woman who is sitting on the entire empire, what you need is to speak her heart, her fear, her doubts, and she The struggle in her heart, the hope in her heart.

All this is just like the existence of movies. We are always facing the vast sea and horizon. The unknown and eternity in life make us so small. We cannot be anyone else except ourselves, but movies have the opportunity to tell our inner world, let us be seen through, and let us experience another life briefly.

we are all humans, we do what we can.

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Extended Reading
  • Ashleigh 2022-04-24 07:01:15

    Has God Bless England and Spain declined ever since? Tencent and Youku actually have to pay to watch, not Bilian!

  • Zola 2022-01-01 08:02:17

    Just open a clothing exhibition

Elizabeth: The Golden Age quotes

  • Queen Elizabeth I: And the private life of this Prince of the female gender, what do the stars foretell there?

    Dr. John Dee: These are matters of state, Majesty.

    Queen Elizabeth I: Surely the stars will tell matters of state, Dr. Dee.

  • Dr. John Dee: Wonderful. Such strength. You will need all your strength in the days to come. But, you doubt yourself, my child. I have not seen fear in your face for such a long time.

    Queen Elizabeth I: Have I reason to fear?

    Dr. John Dee: Something has weakened you. There are hard days coming. But I am no prophet. I see no more than the shadows of ghosts.