
Tanya 2022-11-22 10:22:15

0.5B ①This is what I want to do most: see everything in the world and see all beings. There is no real empathy in the world, people's experiences cannot be communicated, but people's feelings can resonate. ② "You have no right to forgive the murderer for your daughter, but you also have no right to avenge your daughter." ③ "When we go shopping, what we pay is not money, but money and time, but time (life) cannot be bought. Yes.” ④2020 respondents were photographed from 60 countries around the world. Thinking about it from another angle, this job is similar to some kind of penance, which is close to Zen. So, in the footage, whether those people are talking about war or violence, about love or remorse, you can see a kind of compassion everywhere. It's not the director looking down from the top, but accepting everything head-on. ⑤ In terms of technology and consciousness, the film is almost perfect. It addresses one of the most difficult topics to address, in its most ungainly naive form. However, if you think about it carefully, for such a grand subject as "human beings", only the most primitive way of shooting is worthy of it, and any other fancy ideas will be easily exposed in front of this subject.

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